Separately of course because all three of us together would be nonsense.
London and I caught up for almost 7 hours. We talked a lot of different gibberish nonsense. His sister is about to have a boy as well and he’s excited to be an uncle again. It’s crazy how everyone is having boys this year!
We went on Reddit and I read off topics to where we’d both answer truthfully. It’s crazy what you find out there. The questions people ask but above all, the responses. Some of them are pretty surprising but so true.

Emmy saw my nails were coloured so she went and got hers done as well. Play-Doh coloured of course. Tell her it looks pretty because she worked hard on it.

We watched some Halloween spookies. She thought it was grand to sit on me like Rizzo tends to. Thank goodness she still weighs nothing else I wouldn’t be able to breathe.

We even had colouring time. Mostly scribbles. She even got mad I was cleaning up because she wanted to do it.
I’m.not ready for work tomorrow but at least my cold is going away!