Finally got to go to the studio at Houston Media Source to see two of my old high school friends in action. Ed and his friend started a public access television show and Ryan goes and helps out. And I was lucky enough to help out as well. It was the kind of fun stress I needed. Lots of laughs … on my end as usual.
I took Tuesday off … and bought a Lunchable. Jokes. But seriously haven’t had one in forever. Memories. Mum never really bought them since they’re bad for you but … something about that pizza dough. I heard they were making adult Lunchables. Hopefully it comes with an alcoholic drink instead of a juice box.
One of my work mum’s left the company today. Sad day. She gave us all a portfolio folder along with a box of Godiva chocolates and sweet note. I know I’ll see her again.
I cannot wait for this weekend to be over. Birthday celebrations are fun but I’m getting old. I just want to relax. Wow .. how lame am I …