[2018] 320/365: Being Vain
I rarely take selfies unless there’s another subject in it with me but I was really liking how everything fell to place and for the first time in a long time I felt a little pretty. I know how vain that sounds.
Lunch was had with Vicky, Salim, and Kieran. Vicky and I grabbed Treebeards while the boys went for some dumplings. It was nice to get far away from work and to listen to their thoughts with everything going on in the company.
After work I headed over to Erin’s and we hung out for a few hours and I even took time to edit her essay she needs to hand in. Man do I miss editing papers. I’m not the greatest but I always have the most fun.
This week has been one of the worst work wise in awhile but having these conversations with different people has helped and even opened my eyes to so much.