Patricia and I started off the day with kolaches and coffee at Kolache Factory.

We then headed to Bob’s book signing for The Front Porch Revolution Book Release. How fancy is that!
Bob gave a speech and I cried pretty much through it all. He has so much love, passion and wisdom that I want to work harder to make he happy.

Grateful to have met such wonderful people who all have passion to help others. I cannot wait to take Riley to an Astros game. She is young but have such a great head on her shoulders and that’s all because she has such terrific parents. We need more Rileys.

Jakob offered to cook and I was so excited because his foods have looked so dang delicious whenever he posts it.

I was so excited I finally got to try a sous vide. After this chicken I have decided I need one except the plastic is still the main reason I haven’t jumped the gun. It does keep the moisture of the chicken so I guess we shall see.

Jakob made so much delicious foods and I happily lended a hand to help out. I cannot wait to get my own kitchen so u can do stuff like this!

Andy, Patricia and Ricardo came over to eat as well and we played a few rounds of bananagrams. I am officially obsessed with that game. It is so much fun and goes by even faster than Scrabble because you don’t have to wait for someone to put down letters.

Patricia and I ordered Kimori from Door Dash and Tyler had some as well. It hit the spot since I haven’t had sushi in so long.

Tyler came home and surprised us all with desserts from Olive Garden. So much that I’m sure everyone is in a sugar high.
Tomorrow is time to head home. Can I just Uber?