Hi. It’s been a while.
If you’ve been reading the blog, you’d notice I’ve been trying to have human interaction more. I’m not very social in the sense that I’m a homebody and I don’t do well meeting new people. Anxiety sets in and I just want to hide. I’ve been pushing myself to see where it takes me. Hopefully, this also helps with my networking skills.

Speaking of work, it has been a whirlwind since next week will be Erin’s last week. Christopher and I have been making time to have lunch with her every day the best we can to absorb her in before she’s gone forever. I moved one of my three monitors over to her cube just so I can spend a little more time with her. We talked about going to Japan to visit but it might be a trip done separately depending on how things work out with my traveling plans next year.

Speaking of traveling, we decided to do a cousins trip towards the end of the year. We’re not too certain if this is a good idea or not especially since everyone has different forms of traveling and all want to do different things. So far, it’s civil but who knows what can happen. I’m planning to make shirts for us all but I might get lazy. And … maybe we’ll fight and the trip gets canceled.

I’ve been spending a lot of time bettering my knowledge. I kind of put that on the back burner when Scruffy and I were dating. It’s hard getting back into the swing of things but so far I’m enjoying it and I know it’ll help me in the future as I do more.

Rizzo hasn’t been hiding anymore. Started eating again. He’s doing the small jumps but won’t do the big ones and will cry until I pick him up. We try to stop his jumps but he’s too fast sometimes. Hopefully, he’ll get better with time and won’t get worse. He got to spend tonight with Juan-Juan. I don’t think that’s how you spell it since it’s a girl but they got along well as Rose and I caught up.
Time to relax and finish up Chernobyl. Hope you all had a great week!