I forced myself to attend a networking lunch today. We got free notebooks and pens as well as pizza. We played networking bingo and in the end, we had conversations with five different people we wanted to get to know better, wrote down their information for a future coffee date.
I met someone who does cyber defense, something I wanted to study and get a master on but had to come out and work instead. She talked about getting me to join her cyber forensics team and my heart fell in love with the position. Maybe one day, when my window opens, I’ll move to that. Who knows.
When I left, I was given two gift cards. One to use and get coffee with the five people I met and the other for winning networking bingo. Whoo hoo!

I left work and met these lovely people at Olive Garden. Our last mentoring session, unofficially, but officially. Today was supposed to be the last scheduled day but since they pushed it up, we decided we needed one last hurrah. John and Jessica were the originals. Mawaddah requested me that one day her mentor didn’t show up. Alejandra had a different mentor but liked hanging out with us.

I ordered a drink for myself, an appetizer, soups, salads, plates of pasta, and desserts. The kids kept telling me that our server, Darius, was flirting with me and stuff but I think he just wanted a great big tip. Though he was a great server and was nice enough to comp the desserts so who knows.

I left work thinking I’d have time to run to the store to get them all gift cards but instead surprised them and told them I was paying for the whole meal. Luckily I spent time writing them goodbye notes, personalized them, and then sealed it with a wax seal. They were all so in love with the gold embossing and the wax seal that they didn’t want to open it. Darius saw and wanted one, too.

Mawaddah gave me a present last time and this time I got one from Jessica. Chickfila forever. I’m just waiting for their spicy tenders/nuggets.
These are such sweet kids. Great hearts. Funny. Smart. They’ll go far as long as they put time into growing. It’s been a pleasure getting to know them as they have taught me a lot and helped me grow as a person. The only thing I hope for is that we’ll stay in touch.

I came home to this lovely surprise. I love the picture they chose … because someone awesome took it for them. 😉 I miss you both and the pups mucho! Hoping to see you guys next year … somehow!