Empty Wallets
What does one do when an email pops up saying there’s a sale going on? Go crazy and empty out that wallet of course.
You would think it’s a sale on clothes but if you know me by now, it certainly not clothes but BOOKS! This is sad that we’re pretty much putting all our money on books. But we get free shipping so, not so bad, right?
Barnes and Nobles sent me an email notifying me about their sale. That’s how they get you because before I know it I was checking out eight more fictional books for myself and six cookbooks for Mum.
It was such a good deal since my books were less than three dollars. The cookbooks, on the other hand, were quite expensive but will be much appreciated once they arrive.
Giveaway Thoughts
I’m happy with how my first giveaway is going. Don’t forget to enter before Friday, July 29th at 12pm!
Before posting the giveaway, I told myself that if at least three people entered, I did well. I aim low. It’s been more than three people so that means I beat my goal and things are going very well.
I reached an all time high amount of views yesterday but they didn’t enter the giveaway. Their loss, right?
If I have never told you before, I’ll tell you this now. I have a lot of networking sites. This blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc. Lately, I stopped using a majority of them ever since I started reaching out to other bloggers in June. I jumped into the blogging world and just feel I don’t have as much time as I use to with all the other networks.
It was brought to my attention when some friends commented and texted me asking why I was never online anymore. Whoops … They don’t know about the blog so I couldn’t tell them.
I need to manage my time better or else I will have no more offline friends!
How do you manage your time?!