February 25th
I had to take Rizzo to a vet specialist for a consult with his nose bump. It didn’t go as planned so currently waiting for the surgical consult then probably hit up another doctor for a second opinion. It’s going to cost over $5000 if I go to this specialist. Sigh. He’s still so young. I only hope it’s a bump, not affecting anything and isn’t cancerous.
February 26th
We had a blast with Ethan. So many good memories. He wakes up with a smile and laughter most days, He’s such a sweet boy and I’m hoping that never changes. Rizzo and Pluto had more sleepovers until we went to Dallas for Emmy’s birthday though and it was nice having two pups in my room again.
February 27th
I headed off to Jack’s 3rd birthday. This boy’s emotions are all over the place. Laughter and tears come so easily for him. Reminds me of myself.
It was nice to see Michelle and finally meet Luke! He’s a chonker and constantly had spit ups. It was like a mini high school reunion with Mallory, Nicole, and Karla being there.
February 28th
I finally finished the Antique Market puzzle. It’s been forever. Having kids around definitely makes it harder to relax. I constantly worried if I’d miss a piece since he loves puzzles with his auntie!
I put on space nails as part of Frankenstein’s birthday theme.
March 3rd
We celebrated Frankenstein’s birthday a day early with me planning out the whole night as a surprise. He’s a lowkey type person but I figure turning 30 means I can at least decorate the Airbnb. After setting up the Airbnb, I drove and picked him up (hanging out with Artemis for a bit) to drive back since we only had one parking spot.
He was surprised when he opened the door but of course the first thing he notices is that the astronaut balloon had a “penis”. Although the whole night is his present, I figure opening one is always fun so I got him a Bob’s burger book and Szechuan peanuts. Nothing fancy but he was reading that book before bed so I know it was a good choice.
We noticed the water was out — wtf — and after contacting the people, they said it’d come back on so for the time being, since it wasn’t a hotel where we can grab drinking water, we went to two CVS locations in search of drinking water. The first one ran out! How crazy! I also forgot matches/lighter so it was a great excuse.
We got ready and headed to Xochi for dinner. It’s an experience here and I’m so glad he liked it. Sissy thought we were crazy for ordering so much food but it was worth it. He was worried they’d sing to him but luckily they put down the birthday dessert with a lit candle and walked away. We both are not big fans of being in the center of attention, especially at a restaurant.
We dropped our leftovers in the car and although our reservations to Pixar Putt was way later in the night, we took a chance and went an hour or so early.
They accepted us, thank goodness, and we spent almost two hours for 18 holes. They put in a lot of thought on the course although I wished there were more holes for more movies. Some of the obstacles were ridiculous but we had a lot of laughter from it. Obviously, at the end, he won. He always wins when it comes to golf. Sigh.
We headed back to the Airbnb and was sad to see that water was still out! Which meant no showers which is a bummer since we stunk from being outside. I messaged them and with hopes they’ll reply, we enjoyed the nice weather on the sky deck with the beers I grabbed from CVS. He was so happy to see that downtown buildings were supporting Ukraine.
After awhile, I ran back inside for his last surprise. I made him stay on the deck until I finished putting on the astronaut topper and candles on the three tier Italian Cream Cake. I don’t know if he’s lying but when he asked where I bought it, I about died since I had made it all by myself the night before! He tells me it’s dang good so I’ll take his word since I’m not a big fan of coconutty things. (Shoutout to Mallory for lending me a cute cake holder.)
Also, praise to this man who was willing to help me clean up all the balloons even though I told him to relax. And we had fun doing it.
March 4th
We left our Airbnb right as we woke since the water was still out. He had taken videos of the water being out while I was still asleep which I used to get a full refund later.
We had breakfast at Snooze back in his neck of the woods. I didn’t like this place the first time I went but this time, it hit the spot. We spent a lot of time with Artemis, took a nap, ordered dinner from Little V’s and watched First Man before I had to pass out again. A chill night for a chill birthday boy.
March 5th
I left to pick up Sissy, June, and Mum and headed off to Dallas for Emmy’s 5th birthday. When we arrived, Brudda, SIL, Emmy, Ethan and Dad were on their way out to the kid’s portion of her birthday where they went and painted ceramics. Due to limitation of people being in the place, we opted out.
We ventured out to Yatai Ramen Japanese Izakaya, Sweet Hut, Sephora, CVS, and Kung Fu Tea before heading back to the house where we all took naps.
Later that night, immediate family party for Emmy. We had dinner and cake and opened gifts. She has a short attention span so I was thankful she was able to sit through decorating and planting seeds for a mini unicorn garden I got her as well as making 9 out of 11 scrunchies with me and June.
Not certain she’ll have any more parties like this anymore. I’ll probably be more kids her age parties which I’ll be sad about so I’m thankful that although we were only up there for less than a day to celebrate her birthday, we had that time together.