Today Sissy and Brett invited us to their place. Ross went back to his homeland for a few days and so they invited the family. The parents didn’t go though so it was only me and June.
We watched Super 8 while some food was cooking in the slow cooker. Plus it was only 3pm. I thought I would hate the movie but it was actually pretty interesting. I was holding a big glass of water and something popped up out of nowhere. I spilled it all over June and the couch and somehow missed myself …
We also played some kind of game called Move from the Playstation? Fun ish. Then dinner was served.
Brown rice with steamed mixed vegetables and slow cooker Asian chicken made my Brett.
Sissy made broccoli cheese soup. I added a little bit of saltines on top.
Mmm … everything was delicious!
Sissy also made dessert. Cake Batter Bars. YUM! Find the recipe and make this NOW! So good.
Then we played the most confusing game ever. Phase10. My brother and I bought it for Brett for Christmas. He loves it. At the end we all understood the game. I’m happy to report, I won! Now I kind of want to buy the game but it’s hell trying to explain the game.
I went home and had half a beer. The other half, I gave to my mum.
Yep our tree is still up.
I was suppose to hang out with Michelle, Nicole, and Stephanie tonight but it was hard making the choice of staying with family or going to see my friends. I am hoping I will get to see them before I leave though. Here’s to hoping.
Back to watching Dance Academy. It’s on Netflix and it’s by Australian people! I love their accent and all the guys are pretty hot in their own way.