**Thanks for all the thoughts y’all! Brother had a really horrible stomach bug which made him dehydrated but he’s feeling much better. Thank goodness!**
I was in a meeting yesterday and I was SO lost. Everyone’s been there for at least 3 months if not more so they’re already use to everything. I’m only starting to learn. I’m hoping I get the hang of it soon. I don’t like being out of the loop. I think I did better at today’s meeting though. I understood a lot more so that made me happy.
My pretty journal filled with my notes! Look at the pretty design! They made it look like wood and they even made the indentions and everything so it feels like it! Love my new journal!
My snack drawer at work. Sadly (not sadly?) I don’t really dig in there like everyone else does with their snack drawers. I probably eat like two fruit snack packs a week. Everything else just sits there. Anyone else have a snack drawer?
Here’s a picture of Jakob’s lizard for no reason. hehe Poor lizard is crippled though and slither everywhere. Makes me sad but he’s still so dang cute!
I caught up with Colin and Ashley K. last night on Facebook. It’s pretty nice to talk to someone you haven’t seen in 5/6 years. And they both seem to be doing fine. Colin’s in law school and Ashley’s looking for a better job and has a wonderful fiancé that treats her well. Love hearing good news. Price even checked up on me today! Love that they can talk to me and I can talk to them so easily even if I can’t share my things in depth, it’s still great to talk to them regardless because I get to know them better than before!
I even got to see Mallory tonight at Starbucks! And got to talk a bit just because. It’s wonderful seeing her more now. Especially when we’ve planned it, it makes me have something to look forward to. I’ve missed her. I can tell her so much stuff and most of the time it’s stupid random crap but she doesn’t care. At least I don’t think she does … She said she will be searching for my blog because I won’t give away the name. And if she finds it: HI MALLORY! If not then hehehehehe
It was real sweet weather today. Sitting outside Starbucks and chilling with Mallory. Cannot wait for winter. Love the cold and pretty clothes that come with it!
We got through Hump Day y’all! Two more days!! Then it’s the weekend. I cannot wait to go to the Pet Shelter Friday after work! Eeep. Eeep. Eeep!