It’s October! Not much is going on in October for me but it’s October nonetheless.
New month, new beginnings.
Therefore last night I texted him and asked if there was anyway we could still be friends in which he replied, “of course there is.” That was a relief. I’m certain it’s a little weird right now for him since we haven’t talked in so long. Since around the end of February. I realized that he never once made me unhappy and he always knew what to say to make me smile when I was sad. Those are the best friendships, right? And it’ll mean so much to me and make me so happy if I could have it back. Fingers crossed.
Anyway, today was my first day of training for this one software I will be using at work. And I got to do it at Halliburton! I felt like a real grown up going to training. But especially because it’s at Halliburton. Is that sad?
I’m a bit familiar with the program already so I felt I was back in computer class my senior year of high school. The teacher talks for a little bit and then you do the exercise out of the book. Easy peasy. Given I don’t know every detail about it … hence the class.
They have a cool break room that has unlimited drinks, coffee, fruits, breakfast, and desserts … and a gorgeous view.
I looked out that window during lunch. It was so peaceful. I didn’t want to leave and go back to class.
I also took some strawberries and a parfait while reading on my Kindle Fire.
I cannot wait till Wednesday when I go back to my usual schedule. The whole waking up late and coming home late isn’t doing well for me.
I hope y’all had a great Monday!