Protected: Check Up

Lifestyle | Food | Travel
On Friday (November 29th), a turn of events led us to CAP (Citizens for Animal Protection). A 3.4 pound, tan, male terrier-mixed puppy (8 weeks old) was staring at us quivering. All four of his paws are white which makes it look as if he’s wearing socks!
Next thing I know, I’m signing adoption papers. I’ve been looking for my little baby for years but always refrained. I’m not sure what made me take the plunge for this little guy.
That night during dinner, we video chatted with Sissy and BIL about names. It got a little silly.
Sunday night (December 1st) after he got neutered, he arrived home.
Blogosphere, Meet Rizzo (or as my parents say it, Rissue or Rizsoo).
Rizzo, meet the Blogosphere!
It’s only been three nights and three days thus far but he seems to be doing pretty well. I’m sure this blog will now be ALL ABOUT RIZZO. I hope that won’t be a problem.
And now a quick recap of the last two weeks so I can get back to Rizzo and start on reading catching up blogs. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving break! I sure did!
11/15 – San Antonio for the FTK Fashion Out Cancer Show. Surprisingly I didn’t take any pictures butttt … 11/16 – Cooked dinner and watched a movie with Gary, Andy, and Patricia.
11/22 – Package filled with love from one of the FTK Families. The momma and all three of her kids wrote a little something and included a dream catcher.
Mum got a box of chocolate covered strawberries in the mail for her birthday (from Tammy). So delicious!
11/23 – Brother’s day of birth but since he didn’t come down, we decided to celebrate Mum’s birthday (which is on the 25th) early at Pappadeaux.
11/24 – Ryland’s birthday. Superhero theme! Ryland’s Uncle is actually a friend of mine from high school. It was great getting to catch up with him and hear all he’s accomplished.
11/26 – The Hunger Games: Catching Fire with Mallory at Alamo Drafthouse … Ladies Night = cheaper tickets. I cried pretty much throughout the movie. Sorry, Mallory.
11/28 – Ate our simple Thanksgiving dinner with the family while video chatting with Sissy and BIL like they were still in the same place with us. Thank you, modern day technology.
11/29 – Played Mahjong with the family. I won $8 with the help of Mum.
11/30 – Casey Donahew Band concert at Mo’s Place with Mallory, Samantha, Sarah, and Lyndsey (not pictured).
12/04 – Finally own an amethyst! Yeahhhhhh!
If you don’t already know of the site, Humans of New York (HONY), then you’re missing out.
The photographer, Brandon Stanton, starting taking pictures of random people in the city of New York for a “exhaustive catalogue of the city’s inhabitants”. But through his journey, he noticed the conversations he had with them and the quotes and stories began. He even ended up publishing a book with the colorful pictures and stories which you can buy here (cheapest place I know).
I’ve been reading the blog for a while and have learned some things just by reading other people’s advice but the one below is one that resonated with me the most so far.
Matt Lauria
Link up from Emily at Build Your Bliss.
Happy Friday!! I decided to join in on Emily’s link up for the week! Supporting her since I did ask her to make this a link up! Glad you did, Emily! Thanks for hosting this!
Got to see Mallory and Samantha twice this week! Wednesday we went to Cheddar’s for a catch up session. Thursday, Samantha and I went over to Mallory’s house for another hangout session. Mallory and I made our own foods then we all watched a couple reality shows and a fugitive show.
Hi Mallory and Samantha! Here’s your shout out …
It’s been a busy week at work but it’s worth it when you get to learn stuff that’s more along what you got your degree in. Plus getting things like this is a plus. Motivation to work harder.
My dinner every day this week except for Wednesday with a rotation of greens. So simple, easy, and delicious. I love sweet potatoes!! And that would be seaweed on top! Salty and sweet combination.
When I see the gorgeous sky, it makes me thankful for everything that I have in my life. P.S. No filter.
Thanks to those that responded to my last post! Means a lot. Just felt good to say how I feel and think some things through.
I hope you all have a great Friday! You deserve it! Go out! Have fun! Relax!
Stay Positive & Think Good Thoughts!