I actually don’t like when people use “word vomit” but it seems appropriate for this post. Just a whole lot of word vomit.
I’ve been sick these past few days and took half a day off Monday and all day Tuesday from work. It’s been glorious. All I’ve been doing is relaxing and watching Orange Is The New Black with Rizzo while he sleeps beside me. I could do without all the nudity and stuff in OITNB but the story is pretty good. It’s all sorts of crazy. Wishing I could take more sick days off this week but today I’m getting a new laptop for work and if I miss it, I’d have to wait a while to reschedule.
Is it sad to say I’m ready for March to come? March is the only month this year where I have NOTHING planned. Isn’t that crazy? I just want to relax and do nothing. Going to weddings, traveling, seeing family and friends is wonderful but to have a month where I am not constantly on the move is going to be amazeballs.
If you haven’t noticed, I’m trying something new. Not blogging every day but at least aiming for twice a week if possible. Mondays and Wednesdays seem to be working at the moment, but who knows how long that’ll last. I’m always amazed at how people always have something to say every single day. How do you come up with topics that are intriguing to others?
Reading and commenting blog wise, I usually wait until the end of the week when I actually have more down time to sit and read and comment. I’m hoping I can get my Fridays in the coffee shop back soon. Sadly the coffee shop I go to all the time is renovating/moving. So I need to find another one. Sigh. Why are all the local coffee shops so far from home?
Okay, no more complaining. I forgot how just writing to write feels sometimes.