Work had a Halloween Trivia. First place got $50, Second got $25 and Third got $10. Guess what your girl got? First place. Whoop. My Amazon balance is growing.

I’ve been filling my days with Ethan time. So much laughter and so much tears. Top right is my baby sweater since he didn’t have too many warm clothes packed. Luckily Mum went and bought some.

Keeping him entertained is tough at this time. I can’t give him an activity for him to play by himself but luckily any little thing can catch his attention.
He heard me play and sing guitar for the first time. He laughed and tried to sing along with me. He even danced and clapped his hand. So adorable.

Rocky tends to keep his distance but since Rizzo follows me everywhere, his favourite toy is Rizzo though. Any chance he gets, he tries to pull on his hair. I gave Rizzo a haircut because of it. And don’t worry, we watch Ethan like a hawk to ensure he’s not harmed!

I had our second Zoom call with Big Brother Big Sister. The relationship is still new but we’re getting there!

I was off Friday and was able to meet up with Roblyn. When I went into the field last year we saw these tumblers in different colours and thought it was pretty cool. On the other side is our company’s logo. I wish I got a different colour than black but I’m just glad I got one! Apparently one of the wives got an okay from the company to make them.
Roblyn works out in the field but due to Covid she’s been back in Houston and we ended up having an almost 3 hour conversation sitting in our cars. It’s weird how you could just click with someone you barely know.

After meeting Roblyn, I met up with Sebastian. We had plans to go to Samuri but it was closed so we opted for Jinya. It’s been a long while since we last saw one another and per usual, our conversation lasted way longer than we expected. I’m so happy to hear about all the new stuff happening in his life and hope that all goes well!

After hanging out with Sebastian, I made my way to Mallory’s house. We addressed all the invitations for Beth’s shower and mailed them off.
We went over to her neighbors and then Beth came over. It’s been months since I’ve seen John so I stayed until he came home.
Seeing so many people in one day tired me out but it was well worth it. For one day, life felt a bit normal.

Saturday was Halloween but more importantly, Sissy’s birthday. We celebrated by ordering food from Local Table. Their goat cheese is bomb. I’ve also always wanted to buy a theme cake and was glad I got to get a Halloween one.
This is the first time in a long time Sissy’s seen Ethan and I believe first time for BIL. as expected, Ethan was not a happy camper but I’m glad they got time with him.

Good eats came in the form of Tiff’s Treats and my usual Korean soup due to the cold front.
If you haven’t already done this …. get the honey butter sauce from Whataburger and slather it on a warm croissant. #drool

I will say I slacked a little and didn’t make 10000 steps every day this week. I’m not mad about it though. Taking Ethan on the walks is so fun. I love watching his little feet dance and listening to him sing.
Few more days until we bid him goodbye. I’m not ready!