Started off the week by finishing up my dog puzzle from weeks ago! Ethan helped by handing me pieces as I found their rightful spots.
Wednesday after work, we packed the car and drove off to Dallas. Ethan is SO good on long car rides. He didn’t sleep long but he also didn’t make a fuss. Sadly he did throw up milk which messed up my car but that’s baby life, right?
We ate pho for dinner and then Sammi wanted to stay up as late as possible so she chilled in my room while we talked about boys and life.
The next day, Thursday, Ethan and I had some quality time together before Sammi’s friend drove us to Chickfila and took us to the airport to start off Jenny’s Bachelorette Party. I thought it was cool they had a phone/tablet holder built into the seats now. After a couple of movies, we arrived. We were stuck on the plane for a LONG LONG time and we ended up in the departure area rather than the arrivals making Brudda have to drive all over the airport to find us.
We finally made it to the hotel, chilled for a bit before heading out to get some necessities from Target.
We were all getting hungry and I was craving soup dumplings so I picked Fang for a light snack. From the pictures you can tell we don’t know what that means. Sadly, they don’t do soup dumplings anymore, but their food wasn’t bad! Their pork baos and eggplant vegetarian dumplings were the favourites for the masses.
We stopped by 7 Eleven for some breakfast foods we needed for the next day since we wouldn’t have time and then headed back to the hotel, got ready, relaxed, before the bridesmaids went with the bride to Mister Jiu’s for dinner. We took some picture3s on the street since we had some time to spare.
The food was nothing to write about. It has one Michelin star but so far, none of the places I’ve been to that have Michelin star has been worth it. The food isn’t horrible, but it wasn’t amazing. The drinks on the other hand were bomb. Fan favourite was definitely the chow fun and oysters.
On Friday, we all woke up early and Brudda drove us all to Castello di Amorosa. It was a pretty fun drive there. We even stopped by Starbucks where I found it funny that Brudda wanted a cake pop.
The wine from Castello di Amorosa was okay. Nothing popped out to being fantastic so the thought of shipping some home as gifts was dropped. I think people mostly come here to take pictures of the castle. We paid for one hour of wine tasting and one hour of picture taking around the castle. If you ever come here, even if you don’t drink, you have to pay the same amount but don’t ever do the grape juice tasting. If you don’t drink, just don’t come to this place. It costs the same as a wine tasting but they don’t even serve you the amount that would be worth it. They only got 3 tiny pours of the same exact grape juice which we had to ask for every time. They sell a bottle of grape juice for $14 so definitely not worth it; the flavour is great though.
After taking enough pictures, we headed off to V. Sattui Winery for a picnic lunch. You walk in and order from the deli counter and you can buy a bottle of wine if you so choose but no tastings here so you’re not obligated to pay even if you’re not a drinker. We got a little of almost everything and everything tasted amazing. Lot of choices for every type of diet.
We got back to the hotel, took naps, then the bridesmaids and bride met up with MLam and Rachel at Son & Garden. The bone marrow and duck confit was the favoruite for me. The lobster bisque was good too. You can actually taste the lobster in the soup unlike other places.
We then took pictures at their flower wall before heading out. I was feeling myself hence some selfies because I couldn’t choose. Don’t judge.
We walked for forever to a bar where you pay $10 for Jenny to spin the wheel for a drink. After she got her drink Rosanna and I went back to the hotel to get started on getting ready for the night. Tammy and Jenny came after and we just talked about how unsafe we all felt while walking to the bar: needles on the ground, guy pissing, pee smells, and hobos just all about screaming their heads off. Yikes.
Saturday, we wore the tshirts I made with wine puns to brunch at Surisan. If you’re ever in town, come here. You won’t regret it! I suggest the benedicts, fried wings, and their Iced Strawbertty Matcha Latte.
We then walked to Umbrella Alley to take pictures. It was super cute.
We headed back to the hotel to decorate for later tonight and order Boba Guys as well.
Then it was off to Asia SF. The food was better than I expected but not somewhere I’d come back to for the food, especially for the cost.
Their show as fun though. And made me feel like, dang they are so confident I’m starting to feel it too. Afterwards we went downstairs to their night club and danced for a bit.
Then it was to the hotel for the lingerie party which turned into crazy drinking by all of Le’s cousins, Jenny, Tammy, and Sammi.
Let’s just say, some threw up, some passed out, and we got two calls of multiple, multiple complaints about the noise.
Brudda drove me, Jenny, and Rosanna to the airport at 4am after we only slept for a couple of hours. Jenny got me some siu mai from Goldilocks Flipino at the airport since I didn’t get my soup dumplings. Not the same but still delicious. I watched so many episodes of Maid while Jenny slept through the flight.
The Le came to pick us up and I packed the car and drove back to Houston with Mum and Dad. I am pooped to say the least. And this week is suppose to be a little crazy in the beginning of the week. Eeek, save me.