Happiest 6th birthday to my baby boy! I celebrated him by getting him a bully stick and a new toy. One of the pet stores we go to give out a birthday coupon so his new toy was free. The last time he had a bully stick was over a year ago so he was a happy camper and even growled when Bruno and Kato came close to him.

For lunch I went to pick up Noah for a catch up with his college life. We went to Gyu Kaku and ordered way too much food. When I went to drop him off at his truck we ended up staying in my car for almost an hour singing and harmonizing. We’ve talked about making YouTube videos of us playing and singing but it hasn’t happened because life.

To celebrate National Taco day June and I went to get a couple of tacos from Taco Bell. Hmm, maybe I should use my crunchwrap recipe to make tacos next time. Who wants to join me?
I am stuffed. Good thing I’ll be walking off everything these next few days!