Finally got yucca fries from Gloria’s. So good. They come in a garlic butter sauce but I think eating them by itself is just as good. Why haven’t places serve yucca fries more than regular fries?
Went over to Mallory’s Tuesday to drop off Beth’s onesies I made Connor and she served us Crockpot Italian Chicken Pasta. Very delicious but super heavy. I had to take the rest to go for a late night snack.
Also, work = nails during a boring day. This one looks so gorgeous in person when the light glistens just right. I’ve been doing ColorStreet nonstop and forgotten I have my dip nail sets.
On Thursday, Beth and I subbed in for Mallory’s neighborhood’s Bunco game. I ended up winning my money back while enjoying some nice wine and snacks. It’s been a while since I hung out with a group of ladies and it was nice. They’ve been trying to get me to move into their neighborhood but I don’t think it’s enough stars for Frankenstein.
Speaking of Frankenstein, I drove over to his place Friday night. We DoorDashed Little V’s and watched a couple of SNL episodes that I’ve been wanting to watch forever. It was nice getting a night in since we’re usually out and about on our dates.
The next day, we drove over to Tomball and had lunch at Harris County Smokehouse. Boiled peanuts aren’t bad. I just don’t like how wet they are and spray everywhere and can be a little sticky. We got too much food, per usual.
We then headed to Three Dimensional Visions. The reservations were suppose to be for me and Amy but due to personal reasons, she couldn’t make it anymore sooooo I enlisted Frankenstein to go with me. Luckily he was able! We could choose to make different things: mugs, wine glasses, candy dishes, hearts or pumpkins. I think Amy wanted to make a candy dish and I was opting for the pumpkin. But he wanted us to make hearts (cue the awws).
It was a nice experience. They were there to guide you and assist you. But you get to do some things yourself to get the idea of how much work goes into making one thing. This place is pretty popular. We were alone while we made ours (one hour to make two hearts) but they had people prior and after for classes. Frankenstein asked me how much it costs for the class and that we could have just bought two hearts someone already made for the same price and they’d look better. haha
I wouldn’t mind going to another glassblowing place again, possibly one closer. Our hearts didn’t need blowing but next time I’d try to chose something that needs to be blown to get the whole experience. We have to wait to pick them up but I already know mine is going to come out funky (long heart).
Afterward, we took a long nap. He felt bad for sleeping for hours and I felt bad if I woke him up since I messed up his schedule. We decided to DoorDash Pluckers. I watched a little bit of telly with him before I went to bed and he stayed up studying.
The next day I mostly kept waking up and falling asleep. I knew I had to get up and drive home else I’d be there all night and won’t be able to “make it” but it was nice to have Artemis nearby although she doesn’t like cuddling with me.
Rizzo on the other hand would not stop since I got home. I guess two days away is the longest since I’ve been working from home. Poor little boy was sleeping during the day in my puzzle chair, curled up with my sweater the days I was gone. Sigh.