The day started off bright dark and early. We left the house by 5 AM meeting at Gordon’s by 5:30 AM. We drove for a long bit before stopping for breakfast at IHOP. So generic but it was the only thing opened on the way.
I had my usual chicken fried steak and eggs sharing some with the guests and giving away my pancakes (not shown) to Gordon.
We drove a bit further landing at the location the rest of the trip will be at, Natural Bridge Caverns and Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch.
We started with the ranch first, where we got a map. Sadly we didn’t get the list of what the animals were and by the time we found out, we were too lazy to go back and get it. We still had fun though.
Gordon bought four bags of pellets to feed the animals.
We saw so many of them and many were unafraid to come up and stick their head in the windows. There were also many that were shy and only ate if we threw it on the floor. Overall, it was a great experience. I never expected to see so many variations so it was a plus.
[2018] 103/365: Become a Photographer
Just kidding. I am not going to be a photographer anytime soon ever. But this is one of my favourite shots I took so I didn’t resize the image. But look how chill that calf is!
Right next door was the caverns so we headed there next. Gordon and Dad sat in the car while Wilson, Mei Mei and I made our way through the cave. This was the beginning, bright and breezy.
As we got further it, it got wetter, darker, and more humid. It was still a sight though.
Look how clean that water is. And look at that formation! They had water fountains where you can try a bit of the cave water so we did it. It tasted a little funky, as it should be. This was my favourite shot down there so I didn’t resize this one either. This picture doesn’t do it justice but it’s the best I could do. Enjoy.
After that, we headed back home meeting up with Patsy, Sissy, and BIL at Fadi’s Mediterranean Grill.
I got the lamb shank so it’s something they can try. I am in love with their cauliflower. The only thing I can order A LOT of and not get sick of. Score!
The lady was also nice enough to give us all complimentary tea.
After dinner, we all headed home. The guests are asleep and I’m going to follow suit soon – after a few episodes of New Girl though.
Night, everyone!
2777 N Hwy 123, Seguin, Texas 78155 | (830) 379-1241 | Website | Yelp
Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch
26515 Natural Bridge Caverns Road, San Antonio, Texas 78266 | (830) 438-7400 | Website | Yelp
Natural Bridge Caverns
26495 Natural Bridge Caverns Road, San Antonio, Texas 78266 | (210) 651-6101 | Website | Yelp
Fadi’s Mediterranean Grill
716 Hwy 6, Sugar Land, Texas 77479 | (832) 500-3611 | Website | Yelp