I finished 7 puzzles this month! SEVEN. Well more like six and a half but it’s more Frankenstein’s fault since it was his puzzle his work folks started and couldn’t finish. My first 2000 piece puzzle couldn’t be finished because of it.
The kids loved seeing how fast I could finish the puzzles. I even got them into it by buying them their own. They continually redo them and haven’t got sick of them yet.
May 1, 2022
Ethan follows me around as much as he can. It’s like having another Rizzo around. I don’t mind it though … when he’s not loud when I’m in a meeting.
Monica invited me to her family and friend baby shower. I haven’t had homecooked Mexican food in so long. I savored it for sure! Osvaldo showed up late when it came to opening presents. It’s weird how you know someone for so long but after not being together for a long time, it feels a little foreign. It was nice to see their family and catch up though.
Ethan and I went on a walk with Rizzo afterward. That boy overheats SO fast. After 10 minutes he was already red in the face. He didn’t want to go home though.
May 5, 2022
After work I took Ethan to play with JJ and Jacob at their neighborhood park. We ordered food from Elyson Cafe and just watched them do their thing. They are all so grown up and can do so much by themselves. It’s crazy how five years ago, Mallory and I were hanging out alone, with no babies around.
Brudda came and brought a soccer ball and easy to travel goal posts. Rizzo was chilling next to the soccer ball and with the name, found it cute.
May 6, 2022
Brudda, Dad, Ethan and I went to Sushihana for lunch. Mum came during her lunch hour. Later that night Sissy and BIL came over and we had an early Mother’s Day celebration by ordering food from Yummy. There was SO much leftover especially since I hadn’t been feeling well and was afraid my stomach would be even more upset if I ate the spicyness.
May 7, 2022
We went to Gordon & Patsy’s for our usually Mother’s Day dinner with Gma. It was nice to all be together again.
May 11, 2022
Work had a get together event and for the first time in my life, I was served ALCOHOL on campus! And I’ve worked on this campus since 2008! They catered from Churrascos so I could have gotten beer or even liquor! So crazy how things have changed.
Later that night I met up with Mallory and Beth at Santiago’s for my early birthday dinner. We, okay I, I went a little crazy and ordered way more than needed. But everyone knows that by now. The pichana is a clear winner and I cannot wait to come back here!
Also wanted to add that when they arrived, they were trying to convince me to have my bachelorette party in Las Vegas … because they want to go. First off, not engaged and won’t be any time soon, and second, not a super big fan of Las Vegas. Let’s just go as a girl’s trip instead?
Per usual, thankful for these two ladies that always finds time to shower me with love.
May 13, 2022
Day off, I had a video from Dad. A recording of Ethan and Emmy singing happy birthday to me. I wonder how long they’ll continue using the fake cake you see in the picture. Emmy’s been using it since day one. And Dad added a candle so that they can blow after singing. They “fought” to blow it for sure.
June had a biopsy done the day before to check for breast cancer when she felt a lump. She wanted to celebrate my birthday and make me feel special so she went with me to Ikea even though she wasn’t feeling well. A week or so later, her results came back positive and reality hits hard.
We walked around and bought nothing. I noted some dressers that peaked my interest but with the lack of supplies, I’ll wait to make a decision. We bought ice creams and soft serves along with a chocolate cake to serve as my birthday cake.
I dropped her off and headed off to my massage at Elements Massage. Frankenstein’s present to me for Valentine’s Day. I sadly didn’t get my hot stones but they left credit of $5 for me next time. Sigh … someone get me a gift card here so I can use it up.
I walked around and went to different places for my birthday discounts like Kendra Scott and Nothing Bundt Cake. I came home to a fully decorated table with the Jollibee I ordered June and I for lunch. Pictures of table below. She went all out.
Mum, June and I met up with Sissy and BIL at Ambrosia for my birthday dinner. It was very different but it was delicious. Their décor was super cute on the patio with twinkly lights and all. We took pictures and realized that Sissy and I looked like twinsies. Per BIL, true sisters dress alike .. gross. haha
We went our separate ways. Mum and June sang happy birthday to me as I opened presents and ate the cake we got from Ikea. Literally look at the table. She printed out pictures, made paper flowers, blew up balloons and all.
Presents poured from all over the place this year and I feel so so so loved. My biggest surprise was Frankenstein’s flowers he had delivered. I never cared for flowers but I realized it’s who gives them to you. These weren’t pity flowers or flowers “stolen” from someone else’s bouquet. They were bought for me and only me.
Don’t be fooled by the other flowers with Rizzo. Sissy got those for boss’s week and gave me one. Mum loved them and took the vase along with it. haha
May 14, 2022
Mum, June, Sissy and I had crawfish at Gordon and Patsy’s. You would think they made it for me for my birthday but in reality, since Mum has been a bit depressed, he wanted to treat her some food and get her out of the house. Sissy ordered us Feng Cha since she was craving boba. Mine did not taste good at all.
May 15, 2022
I drove to Frankenstein for my date night/birthday surprise. When I got to his place, I changed, got ready, and we headed to the mall. I’ve been wanting to go to a mall with him but sadly, since it was a Sunday, everything closed early. We were both clueless since we aren’t big in person shoppers. He got excited when he remembered I wanted to go to a Container Store but, yep, closed.
We hung out on the field a bit, people watched and talked about random things. Then he told me go guess which restaurant I think it was. I got it wrong, but he had made reservations at Perry’s. I was able to go all out and we ordered drinks, martini flight for me! I liked his drink more though but I don’t remember what it is. He got the pork chop and I opted for the expensive steak. We got a side of Brussel sprouts and loaded mashed potatoes. We had quite a lot leftover.
We are horrible selfie takers as you can see above. We sat on the field again and watched the night sky, then made our way back to his place where he pulled out his telescope and camera. We walked down near the golf course and watched the lunar eclipse. He took a lot of pictures and I laid down on the blanket and read through an article where we could assess one another. I think that article brought us closer together and I was able to speak easily without fear of him getting angry. Sigh, so nice.
That’s one of his moon pictures from the lunar eclipse. This picture doesn’t do it justice since I kind of pixelated it.
The next morning I sat on the porch and relaxed as he continued to sleep. Artemis hung out with me as well. Look at those YELLOWS!
May 17, 2022
Chelsea and I finally got to grab lunch together at Cajuu. We’ve been wanting crawfish and the flavour here is perfect, the price, not so much. We’re both alike and showed up with presents for each other’s birthdays that passed. And being able to catch up with her is always a treat. We complain about things but we are so thankful for everything we have.
May 19, 2022
Rizzo has been fighting a bump and sneezes and breathing issues since the end of November and they finally said he needed surgery. The fear I was going to lose him was HUGE. We spent a few minutes alone in the car together. I cried a lot and although Frankenstein was far away, he did something that made my heart so full so that I could focus on something else when I was in the waiting room for him to go in.
Rizzo had to stay the night but was told all was well. He had a bacterial cyst, unsure how and why, but it ate through his bone and impacted three of his teeth. Luckily they were able to make the incision in the mouth rather than on his face. He still looked rough when I picked him up the next day but he healed up well. He kept trying to nibble on his IV arm so I sewed him a collar pillow. He actually loves it and doesn’t mind me putting it on him.
May 21, 2022
Emmy and Ethan are here again! We went to Target for some fun, played in water with LOTS of water balloons, made toilet paper tube animals and more.
May 26, 2022
I took them to the Splash Pad in Mallory’s neighborhood after work one day. They played with JJ and Jacob first at the Splash Pad before moving to the playground. Its so nice that they have a friend the same age as them Sadly they don’t live anywhere nearby else they could be best friends!
May 27, 2022
Mum, Dad, June, and I took the kids to IHop. Afterwards Mum and I took the kids to the Nursery and TJMaxx. We shopped for a bit and dropped Ethan and Mum home. Emmy and I continued our shopping adventures.
When we were about to pick up food and head home, I get a phone call from Jenny and Le that they were nearby and we decided to eat lunch together at Dim Sum Box. Super expensive and the food is normal with a way smaller menu. My favourite is their special garlic shu mai.
May 28, 2022
Sissy came and we took the kids to Rainforest Cafe. They were both scared at first when the thunder happened and the animals went crazy. Ethan literally sat on half my lap holding my arm for dear like practically the whole entire time we were there. We walked around the mall and headed home.
Later that night, I took Emmy to Crawfish Cafe for dinner with Jenny, Le, Jennifer and Jimmy. Their fried shrimp is better than most Chinese restaurants! But the flavour I got for the crawfish was meh. I should of listened to Jennifer and gotten the one she recommended. Next time!
May 29, 2022
Jenny and Le came and picked up Emmy to go back to Dallas. Ethan was still here though.
Frankenstein made plans to cook dinner together since we were both off for Memorial Day. We decided to make Panang Curry which might have been a mistake seeing how there’s not many Asian stores around. We went to Kroger to pick up our ingredients and it was a hit and a miss. Coconut cream/milk was EXPENSIVE there but we substituted and did our thing and I will say, although it tasted nothing like Panang Curry it was still delicious.