Friday night, June and I decided to watch telly together. It’s been a while since I’ve watched anything on the telly or listened to any music since it triggers me about Scruffy. But I took the chance and watched Bachelorette on Netflix. There were parts that broke me in the movie but if I was able to laugh at certain parts then I would be okay. We started watching OCTB as well, a Hong Kong drama on Netflix. Those few hours helped me through and after a phone call with Patricia, I was able to fall asleep.

Saturday morning Sissy came over and we, along with June, went and got pedicures. Then we went home and picked up Grandma for Sushi 9.

Priscilla was nice enough to entertain me in the afternoon since she knew I needed distractions. When I got to her place we went and picked up her phone that was getting fixed then to HEB to buy groceries to make dinner. Stuffed salmon and asparagus is still one of my favourite meals. Instead of crab we got lobster. Equally perfect.

I’m not a big lover of tres leches but I will say HEB makes a pretty good one for cheap.
We ended up watching random things then finally, Red Sparrow. It was a good movie and kept my mind of off things. Then we just had girl talk.
It hasn’t been a year of knowing her but we click and I’m thankful that even though I was depressed at my old job, she was the best thing that came out of it.
All Sunday I’ve been relaxing the best I can , watching OCTB with June when we can, and am thankful for those that have picked up the phone to talk nonsense to me so that I can think about nothing for a bit.