Yesterday, I finally decided to take a sick day. A day where I relaxed and do absolutely nothing. I received a text some lady was going crazy because I was out so I ended up working for a little more than half a day before calling it quits. I did go in today but I’ll probably stay home tomorrow. I hate doing it but it but I need a break. I’m certain that’s why I’m sick.

I got a coupon for a free large one topping pizza with any $5 game purchase. I was able to convince Mallory to bring JJ. Well not much convincing was needed. Their pizza is amazing. I’m glad she didn’t care I was sick either.

We joked that Chuck E Cheese was celebrating my birthday since they were singing happy birthday to some kid. JJ is getting bolder as he’s not as scared as he used to be of the creepy mouse.

Mallory handed me my early birthday present upon leaving the place. My first Yeti! I cannot wait to use it at my new place! My favourite line in her card was “now you’re old with me”.