I woke up with Emmy laughter and was able to get some playtime before she had to leave to get back with her parents. A few hours later, June and I headed out to watch Spider-Man: Far from Home. This was a super cute movie. I cried from happiness and sadness. It’s crazy how much technology has advanced and will continue to advance!
I never watched Endgame but I knew the ending so what they showed, in the beginning, wasn’t much of a surprise but it’s made me want to go back and watch and re-watch all of them in the correct timeline starting with Captain America which I’m doing right now. Eep!

Afterward, June and I went to L&L Hawaiian Barbecue. This has been on my list for years! But no one’s ever wanted to join me until today. They closed their other location and moved here.

We ordered one of each Musubi they offered. I have wanted to try these since forever. I will say that the meat to rice ratio is off but that’s because rice isn’t really my favourite and because I wish for more sauce in the rice. The two I’d order again is the Hawaiian BBQ Chicken and the Portuguese Sausage. June’s favourite was the Hawaiian BBQ Chicken as well and the Chicken Katsu.

We didn’t know the Musubis would be that big so we had ordered the BBQ Mix Plate as well. We tried a little bit of everything and packed the rest up. We agreed that the Musubis would be the best bet in the future since it’s pretty cheap and filling even with sharing! I guess I need to come back a few more times before deciding my final thoughts.
We went to HMart to walk off the food and headed home to relax. One day of working tomorrow and it’s the weekend! Luckily I get to work at home.
Happy Fourth everyone!