Today was Al’s 40th Anniversary at work. It’s crazy to think of myself working here for 10 more years let alone 40 total. It was nice to see people from my old team and my old bosses as well.

After work I started my drive to San Antonio. I have been saving this Bang Birthday Cake Bash in my car for months and I finally tried it. Way too sweet but it definitely tastes like cake. I couldn’t drink it all and got a stomachache from it. I’ll stick to my unicorn one instead.

Patricia and I traded our gifts part of her gift didn’t make it in time so she’ll just have to get it when I see her next. We have matching rings as well. How cute!!!!

Then it was dinner with Patricia, Ricardo, and Linda at Mia’s. I love fiedo and hope to learn to make it in the future. They do have a lot of carbs in it though so maybe alter it a bit.
We dropped off the “kids” and headed to a pool hall meeting up with Ryan and Doug. Pool, maybe some darts before we call it a night.
Bye, world.