The day started out with coffee in front of the tree with our Christmas pajamas on. Penguins for Rizzo and Buc-ee’s for me. Coffee … who am I?

Sissy, BIL, Bruno, and Kato came over and we had our hot pot lunch. As we get older, we’ve noticed we eat less. So much leftovers for dayz.

I tried to take cute pictures of Rizzo in front of the tree, like I do every year, but he didn’t feel like cooperating. He wouldn’t sit or lay down. These were my best shots. Still a cutie, I guess.

We did a video chat with Brudda, SIL, and Emmy since SIL can’t travel with her belly being so big. We started off with our Secret Santas. I got seven gifts in one box nicely labeled to be opened one at a time.

This was NOTHING off my list but I’m not mad. I’ve decided a while back to try and collect as many Deadpools Funko Pop! as I can. The only downside was that I wasn’t going to actively go searching so this was a nice surprise. This explained why Brudda kept asking me questions when I visited during Thanksgiving. Thanks, Brudda.
Now to order my shampoo and conditioner and other useful things I actually needed for everyday use that was on my list … yeah, I’m horrible at asking for what I want.

The other gifts I received this year. Dad’s annual money game where I always end up getting the least. Yay $30! haha I don’t know what a “small meal” is. Does seafood boil count?

These are gifts from other people to other people that I loved. Rocky painted by one of Sissy’s best friends, Halley. I want one of Rizzo when I have my own place though it is super expensive. Little cute pandas. And Buc-ee’s Carolina Reaper salsa I got for Dad that I low-key wanted for myself for my Christmas tamales.

One of the next-door neighbor kids made cookies for the pups. They gobbled them up. Sissy joked that there was poison in it but they seem fine.

Everyone took naps while I organized things in my room. For Katie’s annual Family Christmas Party, I wore the “Santa’s Favourite Ho” sweater work bought me. It was perfect and Kiran had a big kick out of it.

My plate of food. The pork belly was on point today. I could eat that forever.

We were blessed with this $46 bottle of champagne that we were told was $80. Still, super expensive and fancy. I felt a bit regal. I’m used to that less than $20 stuff.

My loot from the family party.
I’m pooped. It’s been a long day. My body is tired but my brain is still alive. Chatting with a few friends through messaging and watching telly until I fall asleep.
Merry Christmas, world!
Mahal kita!