Work has been getting harder and harder. I can’t seem to get a break. And feelings of suffocation is happening.
I left work later than planned, rushed home to let the pups out then headed to BIL’s to drop off the PS4. Jason came and was surprised at all the boxes and bags and even tape that still worked after so many years. He said it was like unwrapping a whole new PS4!

Even though it was horrible at work, I was happy I got to be at happy hour with my old co-workers.
Salim dropped off his car at Sissy’s and we took an Uber to High and Dry. He was nice enough to get me a drink since I paid for the ride.

Priscilla and I had to take a selfie of course!

Then one with all the boys, Salim, Aaron, John and Gilbert. The crowd was crazy and after throwing a few back we headed to eat.

I hadn’t eaten since seven the previous night so I guess you could say I was having a dang good time. We ordered a whole table of food and had a great time talking, laughing, and singing along with the 90s music that was playing at Christian’s Tailgate.
We bid our farewells to Priscilla and then after a while, Salim called an Uber and we were out the door. A quick ride back to our cars where we said good night. I headed home since this week has been tough and my bed is calling my name. He, on the other hand, is still out partying. I joked he was going to a booty call.
Tomorrow is hopefully a full day of fun and entertainment. Can’t wait! Eek!