So yes. I did not sleep at all. And I still have not slept. Whoo!
It started out with a 3:30am drive to the airport with Patricia, Shayna, Shayna’s Mum, and Flor.
Shayna and her mum left and Jakob arrived right when we were walking in! So these are the earliest risers that got there first! We win …
Shayna made little baggies of breakfast for all of us. It consisted of a blueberry muffin, a Capri sun, little pieces of candy, and a bag of pretzels.
Us all enjoying our breakfast. We sent this blurry picture to Shayna to let her know we love her and wished she was with us.
Us in our seats. We got to pick anywhere we wanted to sit. There was a lot of open seats so a lot of us had our own row … like Tim J. here who sat in front of me. Jakob sat in my row and we had an open seat in between us.
Before we took off, the view. And after we took off, the view. So pretty!
It was a 3 hour plane ride to Baltimore.
I was so hyper before we took off. But once we were up in the air, the hyperness died off. I tried hard to fall asleep but failed so I pretty much just shut my eyes and listened to music Trisha gave me the night before.
Little snacks we got on the plane. I only ate the Wheat Thins and still have the Ritz. I got water and Tim J. threw the Plane Cookies at me which I still had until later that night.
The view from the sky as we were about to land! It’s so pretty!
Hello Baltimore!
We grabbed food quickly from the food court at the airport. A bunch of us bought food from Quizno’s. I got a veggie sub. Yums!
Then we got on our charter bus to have a 3 hour drive to Pennsylvania.
It was a pretty fun bus ride. I really wished I got some sleep but we had fun reading a Cosmo magazine Patricia bought. Ryan was going crazy over it! And Tim J. somehow felt the need to talk to me and share with me things that happened in the past and his failed Valentine’s Day. I feel sorry for him.
Next thing I know … SNOW!! Life is amazing.
I am in love with this weather. It’s cold but not cold enough where I want to kill myself. I wish I could move up to a cold place when I get older.
We arrive at The Atherton Hotel and this is the lobby. Hello. You’re gorgeous!
And the rooms aren’t shabby either. It’s just the three of us (Liliana, Marisol, and me). So big! So much room! I get to have a bed ALL to myself! hehe
A group of us walked around the streets before getting dinner. Everyone else went their separate ways. (Courtney, Andy, Patricia, Tim J., Liliana, Marisol, and me!)
I found a Wilson Volleyball!! It’s so cute … I want it!
Everyone was starting to get hungry so we went to:
Green Bowl
131 W. Beaver Avenue
State College, Pennsylvania 16801
(814) 238-0600
All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet for $11.95. We all jumped on it. You pick what you want and they cook it! It looks dead but there were people here!
I ate ALL of that. And another plate. I can make this at home but it was nice having more ingredients than usual.
Andy, Liliana, and I at the restaurant. We only found this place because the Penn State students suggested it.
I would probably not waste $11.95 on this kind of food since I can make it myself, but it was good enough to satisfy all of us and our hungry tummies.
Afterward, we all walked back to the hotel and we chilled in my room. Ryan and Dilip walked in to let us know they were going to have a drink in the hotel bar downstairs. The 21+ club followed suit. Aka: Patricia, Marisol, Tim J. and I.
I got a Shock Top that was on Tap. Yum!
Then Bob and Cindy came in with Emily and they had a drink. Along with Murtuza, Lance, Jakob, and Tim S. Eli walked in to hang out with us a little.
A few of us played pool and then some of us went back to our rooms to relax.
It’s been a busy, fun filled day. It’s only 10pm here where back home, it’s 9pm. This time change is confusing me and I am starting to get tired from not sleeping!
I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings!
I hope you all have an amazing Friday!