Starbucks Date
With Michelle!
But before that, I was at Walgreens and I bumped into an old Junior High/High School peer, Victoria Z. She’s grown up to a beautiful women. We caught up for a bit and then went our separate ways. It’s always nice to see old schoolmates doing well.
Anyway, I went to Michelle’s workplace and then we walked to Starbucks. We talked for an hour and a half about jobs and boyfriends her boyfriend and the one I like that won’t ever be. Stupid distance. He probably doesn’t even remember me anymore.
I’m split. I love being home because I get to see my friends here more but I miss everyone in SA. Everyone who I’ve learned to truly open up with and has made a big impact in my life. In the back of my mind I know I’ll never see 1/3 of them ever again. Sad? It’s the truth.
Workout Grind
I have 3 weeks until Hong Kong so I’m trying to get ready for it. All that walking in the heat is going to kill me.
I found a 3 week workout that’s suppose to get you in shape for Spring Break but Spring Break … Hong Kong … same difference, right?
30 minute cardio
Arm: 3 sets of 12 with 5 lb. weight
– Tricep Extensions
– Bicep Curls
– Pushups
– Shoulder Presses
Ab: 3 sets
– Plank – 30 sec hold
– Crunches – 12 center, 12 left, 12 right
Leg: 3 sets
– Forward Lunges – 12 right, 12 left
– Squats – 10
– Wall Sits – 30 sec hold
For the cardio, since I have a sprained ankle, I power walked for 30 minutes with Rocky.
It was a struggle with the leg workouts but I powered through. Especially with the wall sits. I will do those amazingly one day!
I didn’t do a warm-up but I did do a cool down.
Calf Raise Down
Lying Straight, Leg to Chest
Stretch Lying
Toe Grab
One Leg Over
Looking at Ceiling
Lying Trunk Twists
Now I feel so powerful. Twenty more days to go!
Cannot wait for my ankle to heal so I can do my runs!