Mmmm … lunch. My mum thought I bought this because it was “so pretty”. Nope. Homemade oven baked veggies. So good!
Helped my rents cut down the branches off a tree that was starting to be too close to the windows.
Then I went on my run/walk. Funny story. I almost tripped and fell on my face when I looked down to check who was calling me. Not safe.
Me being creepy while running to snap this picture. A son and father working on the car. It’s so cute. They’re not young but it’s still cute.
Today’s workout was just like Monday’s. Only difference was way I did my shoulder presses.
30 minute cardio
Arm: 3 sets of 12 with 5 lb. weight
– Tricep Extensions
– Bicep Curls
– Pushups
– Shoulder Presses – “T” shape
Ab: 3 sets
– Plank – 30 sec hold
– Crunches – 12 center, 12 left, 12 right
Leg: 3 sets
– Forward Lunges – 12 right, 12 left
– Squats – 10
– Wall Sits – 30 sec hold
And something before signing off. Sissy sent this to me. Watch it and laugh.