Workout today … nada. I am going to break a sweat later moving things so check!
Yesterday was one of the best days in my book.
Hung out with Jenny in the morning. Saw Shayna and Patricia again. Martina drove from downtown to come see me for a little over an hour. Saw Eli. Saw Bob, my FTK advisor, Jennifer, Evelyn, and Arianna, CPE people. Saw Gary again and hung out with him for a good 3 hours. We caught up and it felt nice. Travis came over and we spoke for a little bit. Seeing my Brother Bear in person is different than through the computer screen, that’s for sure.
Saw him and that made all the difference. It was nice. He was running errands so he asked me to join him and I’m glad I did. He came to pick me up and I went and plopped his present in his lap. I hope he liked his gift; he seemed to have. I got him a preserved baby shark, bottle opener ring, and made him a mixed cd. And the card. Cannot forget the card! But I made sure he didn’t open the card in front of me. That’s just weird. Then we headed to a local bookstore. I love books and I’m so glad he had to go there. Wish I knew about it before though because I would of taken the long drive there to study and whatnot. Then we took a walk around the place. They have some nice scenery and things going on. He took some amazing pictures. We ran a few more errands before he took me back home. I’m not sure if he had fun but running errands had never been so fun to me.
I jumped into my car and went to Cheddar’s to meet up with Amanda, Patricia, Matthew P., Steven, Eric, and his friend Jorge, and Christina. We had a fun non-stop laughing dinner. A few of us were going to go to Kona afterward but because it was packed we all went to Eric’s to chill and Andy L. finally showed up. Life was complete.
When I got home, Jenny and I chilled a little bit and my brother, Tammy, and Sammi arrived.
It was a good day. And I’m still on cloud 9. Is that possible?
Today, I’ll be saying goodbye to San Antonio. I don’t think I’ll be coming back till November. Hopefully it’ll be earlier than that. Fingers cross because some of the people I met here are truly family.
Sorry. Long post about nothing pretty much. I actually just really wanted to remember the moment with him because I don’t know if I’ll have that chance again.
Forgive me.