The end of my passport from my Hong Kong trip.
Hong Kong. Macau. Taiwan.
Mum and I were going to stay for a little over a month to make it more fulfilling but I knew Alyssa was getting married August 4th so we made sure I had a couple days to recover from the trip. Jetlag and whatnot.
But then Nicole got engaged and somehow made the wedding the week before Alyssa’s. Thankfully we hadn’t booked our flight yet. But sadly we had to cut our trip even shorter.
So yeah, I’d like to think I’m a good friend giving up a little bit of my vacation to make it to their special day. And I’m happy I did because I. Cannot. Wait.
They are both going to be so lovely!
Nicole’s Bachelorette Party was pretty fun. It was great meeting new people though I didn’t really talk to much people. I gained weight eating the pound cake they cut up in little cubes at the sweets bar. I gained a pound for each cube I ate.
Lingerie. So sexy. Va Va Voom.
Me and my Chello.
Asian sandwich with the Bride-to-be! We got bars.
They be cute and stuff.
Tomorrow’s the big day for Nicole and I cannot wait!
Hopefully I’ll get some pretty pictures to show y’all. Hopefully.