First things first … I am WAY behind on my Google Reader. But TRUST … I will get through it!
Fingers crossed … hopefully this weekend.
It’s been a fun but tiring first week and now it’s the rest of my life. I’m not complaining. I have a job, food, and shelter.
And maybe I’ll still have my friends. I’ve been too busy to hang out with anyone.
Hopefully that’ll change once I get use to this schedule.
A small part of what my workplace looks like.
A close-up of the notes I’ve been studying. Mumble Jumbo.
The way my building looks out to a wonderful scenery.
What I snack on the most when I get hungry – ALMONDS!
One of my favoritest (that’s a word … don’t question me) things I miss about school – new supplies!
Oh, did I mention they are free! And I picked them out from this BIG BIG Staples Catalogue! Weeee!
So since I made it to one whole week. I celebrated today.
My co-worker, Tony C., and I went and bought breakfast at our work’s Café instead of making my own breakfast at home.
Then for lunch I went with Rose to Subway.
It was nice to catch up with her after not seeing her for so, so long.
We laughed, joked, and all that fun stuff.
Oh, did I mention on Friday’s I get to leave an hour early. Win!
So I went shopping!
When I got home, Mum, June, and I went to a Mexican Restaurant down the street for dinner.
(No picture!)
And we talked and joked and all that fun stuff.
Hope y’all had a good week as well.
Lack of postings will occur until I get use to this schedule.
Bare with me!
I am at the moment trying to put together a workout plan and I am PUMPED!
Till next time,
Peace & Love Y’all!