I took a day off blogging/commenting yesterday just like all the others to give a moment of silence for those lost from Sandy Hook Elementary. I won’t sit here and tell you I know how it feels. I can only empathize with them. Check out the group: 5k Run for the Children of Sandy Hook on Facebook.
Two days after the incident, there was a San Antonio Theater Shooting. It just seems everywhere you turn, there’s another one. And even though you’re probably not in danger, you can’t help but wonder about the other shootings and think of the worst that could happen wherever you are.
I kid you not, just now I heard a gunshot like noise outside my house. I’m certain it was fireworks … but how can you tell nowadays. My heart jumped out my body so I can’t even begin to phantom how victims of the shootings felt.
All these horrible things happening in the world makes me so thankful for everything and everyone that I have. Let those that mean so much to you know you care before it’s too late.