Sissy is such a bad influence. She sent me another link to a shopping site. Eeps. Money is just draining out of me. I want to buy EVERYTHING!
Speaking of buying things, I bought these cute booties for the wedding that’s this Sunday at DSW. You like? I figure i can wear them out AND to the office. Win-Win. I want them in grey now. Or any color they have. Bows, Bows, Bows. Love, Love, Love.
Mallory, Lauren, Samantha, and I bought a Groupon for Wine Tasting at The Cellar Door in Katy.
Sorry for my huge face … I was really close to the camera. Or maybe this is a wake up call to loose weight!
We tasted 13 wines. Red and White. I only had a few I liked. If you know me, I’m a beer person. But now I know which wines I like. So I guess I learned something.
If you ask my friends, they’ll tell you that I thought some wines smelled like fish … or moldy squid. How? I don’t know.
Later that night, Samantha and I went and ate Rudy’s then watched Silver Lining Playbook and Pitch Perfect. It was a pretty chill night.
Sunday, I even got to see Tammy, Jenny, their friends Mary and Jennifer (her boyfriend too) at lunch. It’s been a long, eventful weekend.
Can’t wait for this weekend. Friends and weddings. Exciting!!
P.S. I got on it and did my workout today! Holla!