A few months ago, I took Mum to Whole Foods so she can see why I love quinoa so much. She got hooked and made her first batch today! Ah happy day. It was delicious. I was asked a few days ago what quinoa tastes like … but I have no clue how to describe it. Anyone have a proper description of the taste?
I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award by a gorgeous girl who’s a Texan like me! Everyone meet Blake from Steady Three Sixty and send her some love! If I get nominated every time, best bet I’ll do them all the best I can. These are so fun to me!! Thanks, Blake!
1. Link back to the person who nominated you
2. Write 11 facts about yourself once nominated
3. Answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you
4. Come up with 11 question for the 11 people you nominate
One of the best things ever created: sporks. I want a real stainless steal one that works REALLY well. I would use it ALL THE TIME. Remember Wall-E trying to figure out where to put his spork? Teehee so cute!
I’ve been told I’m “too nice”. I like to believe everyone’s good and they don’t have some kind of ulterior motive. Sometimes that backfires. If you’re honest and loyal to me, I will be one of the bestest friends you’ll ever have. (Not to toot my own horn or anything.)
Speaking of loyalty and honesty, I have trust issues. I’m very cautious in opening up. And once you break that trust, adios.
I’ve only truly liked three wines and I don’t know the name to any of them. Therefore, I’m still on the hunt for my favorite wine.
If someone’s talking and it’s a few words put together that reminds me of a song, I start singing or humming it.
- I’ve been told I’m picky with guys and that’s why I’m single. I’d like to believe that’s false. No one likes a fat girl.
My all time favorite song is Scars by Papa Roach. I can relate to that song since it’s been out.
One of my favorite pastimes is watching Chinese Drama. They’re sometimes cheesy and have bad actors but I love them. Keeps me in touch with where I came from.
I dislike feet. Keep them to yourself.
I wish I was a real singer/songwriter. I don’t care if I was sell-out-a-stadium famous. I’d just want to do it for the fun of it and meet amazing people along the way.
I sleep with 7 pillows and three blankets. I don’t sleep ON all 7 pillows and definitely don’t cover myself with 3 blankets. I just like to be cradled by softness.
- Do you have tattoos? If so, what is your latest one? If not, would you ever get one? What would it be? I don’t have a tattoo, but it’ll be cool to get a sibling tattoo. Not sure what it’ll be though. If one for just myself, possibly a bow tattoo. I love bows. They’re so cute!
- Would you rather cut your hair to the tops of your ears or not shave your legs for six months? Not shave my legs. My leg hairs don’t grow out that fast. Plus, I can just wear pants/jeans! If I cut my hair that short, I’d look like a fat boy.
- What is your favorite month of the year? I’ve never really thought about it. I guess I’d say May since it’s my birthday month … and if I was still in college, it means summer break.
- If you could only drink water and one other liquid for the rest of your life, what other drink would you choose? Tea. Tea. Tea. Hot tea to be exact.
- What is one of your goals you hope to achieve by 2014? Pay off more than half my loans! Lose a few billion pounds. Check out my 2013 resolutions.
- What is a TV show that your parents didn’t let you watch when you were little, but you watched it anyway behind their backs? Tom & Jerry. Mum said it was to violent … which it kind of is if you think about it. It worked wonderfully … Brother and I would turn the sound off (since they never talk anyway).
- What does your dream house look like? I don’t really have a dream house. I think it’s because I’m not ready to settle down – no boyfriend or anything. Maybe a townhouse/apartment for now. But I would love to decorate it all pretty. Pinterest has been helping me out with that.
- If someone paid you ten dollars every day you left the house without any makeup on, how many days would you go out without makeup? I can go forever without makeup. I love makeup. I collect ‘em. But I’ll be fine never having to wear it. So I guess I’d be so rich. Who wants to pay me? I’ll definitely finish paying off my loans easily.
- Tell us a story about how you embarrassed yourself in front of your crush in high school. If you don’t have one to tell, describe what would have been the most embarrassing thing to happen. In Orchestra, we usually climb up the cabinets (used to put string instruments) to put up posters on the wall. We tend to jump off after we’re done … I slipped and hit my head on the adjacent cabinet and fell on my ass.
- If your job asked you to relocate to the middle of nowhere, would you happily go? Does the middle of nowhere imply there are no people or stores around? If so, probably not. But if it’s like Midland, Texas or something of that sort, yeah of course. They pay so much better too!
- What is your favorite thing about the summer season? When I was in college, I’d say the break. Being able to not go to school daily. Now I kind of wished I did. Hmm … Sundress. I don’t wear them much but they’re so cute.
If you can live anywhere in the world, where would that be and why?
Describe your dream job.
What is your favorite part of your body and why?
If you can only eat one cuisine for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What has been the most difficult thing you had to forgive?
If you can have lunch with any 3 people past or present, who would it be and why? What would y’all eat?
What’s your favorite TV show and/or movie?
What’s something you’d tell your 16 year old self?
If you can change ONE thing in your life, what would it be and why?
Describe your most embarrassing moment.
If anything, good or bad happened, who would you tell first?
I understand if y’all don’t do this but it’d sure be nice to learn more about y’all!