The delicious seafood kind. Mmm … were they were delicious. I’m not a big fan of crabs. What I mean is, I don’t crave them. But man the amazing cholesterol in there was the bomb! They are actually leftover from last night. Since I wasn’t home, they left a pot of ‘em. Yay yeah. I had three only though and I was DONE.
Which gender do you like to smack on? I like them females. They have the best cholesterol. YUM!
P.S. I spent $60 on Vitacost. Eeps! Much needed though. Can’t wait to get them goodies!
P.P.S. I’m thinking of doing a Giveaway soon. I’m not sure what to give away so … this might take a little while. Keep a lookout though. If you have ideas of past giveaways you’ve done, let me know!!