Does anyone know what show this is?!
I think I’d really like it!
But I don’t know what it’s called.
Help a sister out!
And with that … Happy Friday everyone!
Stay Positive! Think Good Thoughts!

Lifestyle | Food | Travel
I couldn’t pass this opportunity up. Just look how beautiful the sky is. It was pretty much all over Houston and San Antonio (that I know of).
Each day we move so quickly trying to get through the day. To get by. We never just stop to see the beauty surrounding us. This reminded me of it.
It made me wonder why I try so hard to wake up so early every day before the sun comes up. Work. Never really take breaks. Go home. Do stuff that isn’t really a big importance (except the workout part) and miss the sundown. Why am I trying to just get by? Why am I not trying to find my worth? I need to find out why I’m put on this earth because lately I feel a bit lost.
When you lose something, you typically find something. I finally found someone at work I can relate to and talk to and laugh with … every day. It feels good to finally find that person. She’s not on my team but she is sister/cousin to two of my coworkers on my team. I met her one week before she started at this job and we just clicked! It’s been pretty great and we already have many shared laughter. Sadly, she’s not staying forever here (still in college) but it’s good to finally have met her. Hopefully when she goes to her new career path we still stay friends! Fingers crossed.
It’s nice to have a friend I talk to even when it’s days we don’t see each other. Probably cuz we’re both single. I have no clue what we talk about … probably stupid things. But the conversation is never dull. I got to hang out with Samantha tonight. She got her nails redid and I got a cheap manicure ($10). I probably won’t do it again since they don’t last long but it was fun. We got food and watched more Doctor Who.
Chill nights are my favorite.
Time to plan out what to do tomorrow since it’s my day off!! I know for sure Rocky is going in for a deep dental clean so I won’t see him all day. What to do? What to do?
Me time.
Peace and love!
I’m really sucking on this 365 … I think I might scrap it.
But surprisingly I’ve made time every day to update. That’s got to mean something, right?
Maybe I’ll stop after 30 days … we’ll see.
This is currently one of the walls of my office.
First two are from Julia & Noel’s wedding.
The next four is with sissy when we went to a bridal expo.
The one after that … work from Go Texan Day.
And well the last one is a Christmas card from one of the ladies at work. My first legit family photo Christmas card. I love it!
Every day almost every day I look at this wall and am reminded of the people around me. Given it’s some of the same people in some pictures (I haven’t printed any of my own), I think back the days of when we took those pictures. It’s nice to have some homey memories when work get tough.
I need more pictures to put up! Who wants to do some photo booth pictures with me please and thank you?
Hump Day is almost over. Tomorrow is my Friday. Ahh … I cannot wait.
Think Good Thoughts.
Okay … maybe not together. That’s kind of gross.
But I made my first ever quinoa meal! It’s a lot mushier then I’d like. I guess I’ll stay away from the rice cooker to do it’s work and use a regular pot of water.
Anyone know how to make perfect quinoa? I need help!
All wrapped up in a tortilla. Mmm …
And had half of a cantaloupe.
Too much food. But SOOOOOO good!
Workout DONE-ZO. I’ve been feeling a little pierce in my knee so I couldn’t go full out. Hopefully it’ll be better by tomorrow!
Shower. Card writing. Bloggin’. Doctor Who. Sleep.
Tomorrow’s Hump Day. Thank goodness!
Before I talk about my Project 365 for today I just want to say:
Do not eat Ikea’s Swedish Meatballs!
There could be horse meat inside. They state that the ones in US are safe but … they come from the same factory. You’ve been warned. Click on the link above to read more about it!
Today we got to dress up as a cowboy/cowgirl celebrating Texas. Since it’s Rodeo time and stuff. I forgot to dress up. Whoops.
But I still got free bbq! And there was a photo booth there. I took some pictures with some kiddos from work. We also got cookies shaped like Texas, Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo bandana, and a HERO bag. Sweet!
It’s no doubt everyone’s talking about the Oscar’s today. I, however, go to Yahoo! News for my Oscar’s recap. And these will do just fine.
Seth MacFarlane was the host and he made a “I Saw Your Boobs” song and dance. A little weird and awkward. But that’s who he is.
Channing Tatum apparently waxes … but I don’t care. He’s just on here cuz he is fine.
Sandra Bullock is STILL gorgeous with that face.
Let’s not forget Jennifer Lawerence’s fall. I wasn’t a big fan of her but after that speech … seeing the real her (no not the falling) after the fall. It doesn’t phase her and she can still joke about.
And then I leave you with the outfits. I don’t know who gets to chose what looks good or not. I think Helen Hunt’s dress was perfect seeing how she’s trying to save the world. Yet she get’s a bad grade. Designer doesn’t mean anything!!
Time to read some blogs, watch some Netflix, and hit the hay!
This week is going by TOO slow.