I turned a year older yesterday. This birthday marks the best one thus far. Let’s let pictures and a few words capture my Birthday Weekend. I hope you guys had an amazing weekend like me! What amazing thing did you do?
Friday aka Party Time:
I had this day off … wonderful. Perfect. Night plans were changed due to too many people at Cheddar’s. We ended up at Wild Wings Cafe then out for drinks afterward. Thanks to Mallory, Samantha, Amanda, Lauren, Maggie, John, Ronnie, Michael, Nate, Matt, Brett, and Robbie for coming out. I had a lot of fun with y’all and it definitely meant a lot to me since some of y’all were working all day or have finals and such.
Lemon Cupcakes with Vanilla Frosting I made for my friends.
House got hot and some of the frosting melted off.
Definitely turning up the AC next time.
Some of the peoples from the night.
Thank you for making my night wonderful!
From Mallory.
Phone/Wallet Case. Nail Polish. Bath Bombs.
She tried to get me a Cloud Cafe gift card.
CC doesn’t have those. Sad day.
From Samantha.
Box of 4 different Green Teas.
And a mug.
From Robbie.
Fortune Cookie Card.
Even wrote our names in Chinese. Ha Funny.
Saturday aka Lazy Day:
Watched The Great Gatsby with Mallory, her mum, and Samantha.
Early Bird gets the worm!
It wasn’t all that amazing. Pretty … meh okay.
You can already see me using the phone/wallet case.
Gorgeous Samantha.
Freddy’s with Samantha.
I love our dates.
Birthday Dinner with Fam at Pappasito’s.
Parents and June had their first Dos-a-rita.
Cake June bought at La Madeline.
Not sure what it’s called.
Pretty delicious.
From Sissy.
Random knick-nacks I’d be using up soonsies.
Her other gift is her old Full sized bed. Cannot wait.
From Parents.
First James Avery Ring.
Loves it.
Sunday aka Mother’s Day:
Tammy’s Mother’s Day delivery to my Mum.
Can’t wait to finally see her walk across the stage this Friday!
Fruit tart June bought from La Madeline for me.
My favoritest dessert ever ever.
The lake behind Gordon’s house.
Had potluck with the fam for Mother’s Day.
Bruno. Chilling in Gordon’s backyard.
Monday aka Birth Day:
I was stuck in a conference/workshop all day along with working 2 hours before to catch up on some things. Oy vey. Afterward the work team and the Canadian team that came down for the conference/workshop had a dinner thing at Dave and Buster’s. It was the longest birthday day ever.
Early bird. Already working hard and finally had time to check my phone.
Notifications wazoo.
Wrapped up office done by amazing coworker.
Birthday cupcake from Zuco.
Red Envelopes from Parents and June.
Dave and Buster’s Work Dinner … over $1100 … not counting drinks.
WTF. But the food was delicious.
Birthday Cake. Hope my wish comes true.
Some great coworkers helped me get super lots of tickets … over 3500.
Got a Das Boot and tiny shot glass as a birthday present.
The other tickets went to the other two coworkers.
They chose shot glasses and candy.
Seriously. It’s been amazing. Thank you to EVERYONE that has helped me celebrate. I’ve been giddy. Thank you thank you. All the phone calls, text messages, notifications on every social media … I am so thankful for all of you.
Happy Tuesday!