Protected: Not What I Expected

Lifestyle | Food | Travel
You know those friendships that you never miss but when you rekindle it, you find the missing pieces? That’s how it felt tonight.
Long story short, we use to see each other almost every day for the 3 1/2 years from being in the same club and having the same major. I was the dumb one of course. I hadn’t seen him in almost 2 1/2 years. When we both had jobs, I would visit San Antonio to see certain people, and he would come to Houston for work yet we never made it a thing to catch up and see each other.
He was staying overnight in Houston for work so we decided to meet at Buffalo Wild Wings last night. The Spurs were playing and he wanted to watch it. Time has past and I was uncertain of how much he’s changed. I know I’ve changed and I’m a different person from who he knew back then. Oh did I mention I use to have a crush on him … crush – how kiddish. Oh, and he and I never hung out one on one other than to study. This was a social event. New territory. What if we had nothing to talk about?
We meet up at 7pm and surprisingly we did little watching of the Spurs (partly because they sucked tonight) and mainly just caught up. In the end, I’m not even sure what we talked about because it was just random throw up of “Oh did you know I …?” “What no! Wait did I tell you about …” We didn’t finish half the conversations we started and didn’t leave until it was almost 10pm. Almost 3 hours of random things.
Those 3 hours that made me think of all the “friends” I use to talk to daily but now never. In those 3 hours I was able to open up and talk about things I haven’t told some people in my life now. I was able to trust him … something I wasn’t able to do in the majority of my life – with him or much of anyone then. Something changed me in the 2 1/2 years since I last saw him and I’m not sure what it is, but it felt nice not having to be afraid of letting go and speaking about things that worried me or made me happy. To talk about my feelings. I’m glad I got to see him and even if we never cross paths again, I’m glad he made me see that side of me I’ve missed for so long.
A very fitting song … and because I love Frozen.