Today was one of the toughest days I’ve encounter. Other than having something due for work and having 4 meetings, I had to get ready for a meeting I’ll be somewhat leading tomorrow. It’s still not done. Good thing it’s in the afternoon.
The other thing was taking Rizzo to the doctor. It was time for his next batch of shots as a puppy. I told the doctor my concerns with the small missing fur around his eyes and on top of his head. They did a skin scrape test and …
He has Demodex Mites. Apparently all dogs have them under their skin but for dogs under 2 years old, they tend to get inflamed due to their growing immune systems. The doctor said he’s stressed out … from eating, pooping and sleeping?
They tend to outgrow them so fingers crossed. Luckily it’s not contagious to humans or other dogs. But we’ll have to be careful nonetheless.
It was a scary experience. It was as if I had an 8 month old kid finding out something was wrong. Then the lady came out with 5 different medications that I would have to feed and clean him with. *sigh* Hoping for a quick recovery.