Protected: Do No Wrong

Lifestyle | Food | Travel
I cannot get over this. Mother nature did so well this time around. Pretty frozen icicled trees.
This is an old picture … but I got to see this little lady and it made my week. It’s been almost a year since we saw each other. It sucks how growing up tears us apart but when we get to spend time together, I treasure it so much more.
P.S. I miss my tan. I’m the definition of Asian. Straight yellow.
Mallory and I signed our puppies for training class. Since Lacy is now 30+ lbs (?) and Rizzo is only 4.8 lbs, we wanted to make sure they still play well together. And they did … Best friends. It was also a great time for me to catch up with Mallory and John. Even got to meet one of Mallory’s family members, Tim. It was a good night.
Work has been a whirlwind. Stress x100. Luckily I have coworkers that make it a little more bearable. Kitty drawn by a coworker gave me a good laugh with the story he told while doing so.
I love no matter how loud I belt out ballads and such, Rizzo still sleeps soundly and doesn’t run away from me. This is him with a glass of wine because he’s an alcoholic. (just kidding)
My life revolves around Rizzo now. I snap and insta him all the time. I’m sure my friends are annoyed. OH WELL.
Tomorrow I get to see some lovelies that are visiting me from San Antonio. Life will be made. Until then, Stay Positive and Think Good Thoughts.