Protected: Sammy’s Birthday

Lifestyle | Food | Travel
My birthday was semi great. The great being not having to work for 2 1/2 days and having Rizzo cuddles. The not so great? Being so sick I had to cancel all birthday plans for the whole week.
Mum tried to make my feel better by getting me a fruit tart but it wasn’t from my favourite place.This one had too much glaze, chocolate on the bottom, not enough custard but she tried. That Saturday I think she tried to make up for it because although she hates the work that goes with it, Mum and Dad made me crawfish.
Michelle had her bridal shower and bachelorette party on the same day. Smart because people who were traveling out of town didn’t have to do it twice (three if you think about the wedding) although it definitely made for a tiring, fun day.
The bridal shower in my opinion went really well. Her mum set up this gorgeous view had caterers bring the food. The bridesmaids were in charge of the games. We ran over with Memories of Michelle but it was worth it listening to everyone’s favourite memory of her.
For the bachelorette party, a hummer limo came and picked us up. It was my first time in a limo and I can say, I’m not that big of a fan. It was really hard having to duck down with heels on and a dress to get to our seats. we pretty much crawled on the disgusting floor. The limo drove us to: Prohibition which we were all excited for.
Sadly at the end we were overcharged. I say overcharged because their PR is horrible and they need new people to work there. But I think that’s their niche. That’s how they earn their money. Horrible horrible way to run a business but with all the negativitiy from Yelp, people still go. I didn’t know about the negativity until after the show. I would suggest NOT to go here because there are definitely better burlesque shows elsewhere. The food itself was very banquet like. Not amazing for the price but … I guess you’re paying for the entertainment.
Afterward we went bar hopping and played a scavenger hunt. Super nice policeman taking a picture with the gang. It made for a fun filled night regardless of what had happened at Prohibition. New memories were made and friendships grew stronger. Before 12am even hit, we were already exhausted but we pushed on until the hummer limo came back to pick us up.
Just a picture of the bride to be and me at the end of the night.
This past weekend was a blissful one. Much needed after the weekend before. April has been a whole lot of driving around but this weekend made it all worth it.
I took Thursday and Friday off so that I could make it to the last Leadership Challenge dinner with Bob and Cindy Thursday night. Bob is retiring and Cindy is quitting and so they invited some alumnis back. I happily accepted. It’s always a pleasure seeing Bob and during circle, we all shared about ourselves and the fact he said one of his favourite memory is when I called him “dude” made me tear up. Such great memories with these peoples.
I spent Friday morning with Jakob helping him with errands for his benefit concert. It was great catching up with him per usual but really wished we had more time. Listening to him talk about things that are passionate to him makes me happy. He has the best heart and wants to help those in need. I can’t wait to see his beautiful pictures from his mission trip!
Andy doesn’t celebrate birthdays but we promised to hang out by going to lunch and shopping before pub run. So he came and picked me up and Andy had his first Perry’s Steakhouse experience where we ordered the Pork Chop Lunch Special. He was in heaven and I was so full I was going to throw up. Yep. Then we went to Target and Party City and whatnot to buy things for the Hawaiian themed Pub Run.
We were going to watch the Avengers but sadly it was sold out and since I was being a grumpy gill due to lack of sleep, he took me back home so I could take a nap. Then we got ready which during this time, Cantu had texted asking if I was really in town. My heart skipped a beat because although I saw him few weeks prior to give him his early birthday present, I have never truly hung out with him.
Andy and I went over to Kevin C.’s place and pre-gamed with Amanda and Christina as well. Throughout all of this, and much convincing, Cantu finally agreed to come out to pub run. I was surprised he came out by himself and even stayed the whole time. Trooper. It’s always awkward (at least for me) to go somewhere where you don’t know anyone but that one person … but for him and I to have never truly hung out and did that … I applaud him.
Joseph and his two friends met up with us. I hadn’t seen Joseph in forever!! Patricia, Carl, and Jakob met us after Jakob’s benefit concert and we literally danced the night away. I bumped into people who I hadn’t seen in forever. I’ve never been a partier because I’ve always been DD and never trusted anyone to take care of me. But this time around, for some bizarre reason, I didn’t care and had fun for once. I truly think it was because Amanda couldn’t stop pouring me drinks during pre-game. Thanks, Amanda …
Breakfast was had in the AM with Patricia, Carl, Jakob, and Daniel before I departed. I about died on the way home due to exhaustion. Went to bed for a good couple hours, woke up and hung out with the mum, then headed over to the Coronados’ for the Pacquio v Mayweather fight.
It has truly been a great weekend. I really wished that Friday never ended because it was perfect.