Some work changes might be happening to me in a few months. It’s not set in stone yet but if it does happen I’ll be happy for new experiences. But at the same time, I’ll be sad. I hate changes. They freak me out.
39 days until my brother’s wedding! I still have to help mum find her second dress, find myself a second dress if I can, make the slideshow video, and all these other random things I don’t even remember on top of my head.
71 days until our trip! Did y’all hear about the explosion in Thailand that occurred on Monday? The parents are freaking out and telling us we should cancel our Phuket plans. Knowing Sissy and BIL, I doubt they will so I won’t.
For the first time in our lives, Mallory and I made plans for the same day in less than ten minutes. That never happens. And the fact that we were meeting up in a couple hours from making the plans was even more surprising.
We decided on Next Door Lounge – our old happy hour place – where we had two sangrias each and shared four different snack bites. Mashed potatoes with mini meatballs, roasted cauliflower, roasted brussels sprouts, and homemade potato chips. The brussels sprouts knocked our usual love of homemade potato chips out the water. They tasted like candy due to the sweet chili sauce.
We hadn’t hung out in over a month which didn’t seem long until we started to catch each other up with everything that’s been happening. It’s crazy how just a year ago we would hang out at least once a week if not more and now we never see each other! Hoping our future plans to go to a concert follow through even though it’s not until next March. If it does, I’ll pee in my pants from happiness.
I’m always thankful for those that reach out and make time for me especially when I shut the world out and live in my own bubble.