This blog use to be more about celebrating happy things and it just went all emotional the past few weeks. Stop it, Melissa. Overall I had a good week and weekend. I’ve already cared less about things I have no control over but when new things come up I forget about it. I just need someone to remind me of this mantra when I forget.
I’ve decided no studio tonight. I don’t want to deal with that one kid that has been too much for me to handle. I don’t like confrontation or making things uncomfortable. But I’ve told myself, if it happens again, I’ll let Ed and John know. They’ll do something about it but I’m hoping it doesn’t have to get that way.
I’m sad though because Phrolic (Sebastian and Vince) will be there. I’ve missed their past few gigs. Is it bad to say I never watch the show if I’m not at the studio? Gahh!! Speaking of Vince, he had over $700 worth of music equipment stolen out of his car! What is wrong with people? Why can’t we live in a nice world … like Pleasantville.
Have y’all ever seen the movie Pleasantville? My beloved, Paul Walker, is in it. It’s still one of my favourite movies to this day and this movie was back in 1998? It’s about two ’90s teenagers who go into a ’50s sitcom and how one person can alter everyone’s lives. It’s a pretty well written script even if it doesn’t have super high ratings … and a lot of the movie is in black and white to fit the sitcom theme.
Maybe I’ll watch that tonight. All I want is to go home and have Rizz cuddles. I don’t know how he can tell but he only cuddles with me when I’m not feeling well. Like days when my stomach is being a booty butt face. I did an experiment this past week by drinking four different nights because I’ve noticed my stomach feels better after alcohol. Weird, right? I’ve never drank so much in one week before but whatever is in alcohol is helping … or maybe it’s all in my head. Michelle believes it has to do with my sickness since she has the same issues. Whomp. Hopefully it goes away.
Three more days until the weekend. Gah, I’m ready. Less drinking this week, promise.