Sausage bread and an iced green tea latte for breakfast. Breakfast of champions. Duh.
We met at the ferry area, bought our tickets, and was on our way to Macau. The ride was one hour or so long and I was the unlucky one who ended up sitting by herself with strangers. Oh well. I took the time to write about things in my journal. It was weird to do so since I thought I’d gotten over it … guess not.
Anyway, after the ride, we went to a restaurant Dicky works for which is pretty famous due to it being opened by celebrities and rich people? A lot of other celebrities come here and sign their name. Since we were sitting in the “VIP” area (not certain we were but felt like it), I asked if I had to sign anything before I left … I’m hilarious. I know.
The meal came with a lot of food. I couldn’t finish it all. I’m positive my stomach shrinks when I come home.
He apparently created these two dishes or helped create it? I’m not 100% sure. But it was pretty cool to experience it even though I’m not a big fan of bread … or eggs.
We walked around and took in the view then went and gambled. I won 100 HKD which isn’t enough but hey, I didn’t lose any either so it’s a win in my book!
We walked around and took in some attractions then went and had dinner at a very popular place in Macau. They even had a TripAdvisor sticker outside their building. Mmmm … I told them that if we went to Macau, I wanted to go here because I’ve been dreaming about their pork bone marrow pot since Dicky took me three years ago. So freaking good.
We rode the ferry back and Kathy and I talked about my dating life … nonexistent I should say. She says I’m probably like her and it seems I am. If so I’m going to be single fo life. Time to find a place and settle down all by my lonesome. Ha …. By the time we made it back to Hong Kong, we bid farewell to one another and headed back to our abode.
Sounds like a very short day but in reality we had one of our longest walks since we got here. Over 10 miles of walking. Zzzz, feets be tired. I am waiting to get a massage and for little fishes to eat my feet when we get to Phuket. Sounds amazing right now. Sigh.
Tomorrow is going to be a pretty lazy day. Sleep in. Eat. Walk and shop around our area. Then pack up and eat dinner with our family. I cannot wait to see PoPo again. She’s so adorables.
Til tomorrow,