I’m not a hardcore lover of coffee though many will say I’m lying since I like to try new coffee shops. I go to coffee shops are more for the environment than for the coffee. I usually only order coffee when I’m blogging at a coffee shop or back when I wanted to see this boy at work and the only way was to ask him to walk downstairs with me to get coffee.
But other then that, I wouldn’t say coffee feeds my body. If anything, coffee destroys my body … if you know what I mean. TMI? ha
It would have never crossed my mind to take coffee and turn it into art. If anything, coffee stains always made me feel uneasy because it reminded me of dirtiness. But these are far from dirty. They are so pretty and I’m jealous I wasn’t the one who came up with it. Why am I not as talented as these people?!
Giulia Bernardelli uses coffee tables as a canvas and makes a spilled coffee type art.
Go to her Instagram: @bernulia for more!
Maria Aristidou paints with coffee. Watch her paint Yoda!
Check out her Instagram: @ma_aris and her YouTube: @arista1717 for more!
Red Hong Yi makes art using coffee cup stains!
She makes other portraits out of candles, chopsticks, tea, etc.
Check out her Youtube: @ohiseeRED for those!
I wonder if these mold. If not, that’ll be something cool to experiment with. What other drink items can we use? …. Oooo how about sauces? Man, I’m sure those would mold though.
Friday is just around the corner! We can do it! Stay positive and think good thoughts! <3