Music | Piece By Piece by Kelly Clarkson
A very powerful song that cuts to the core. A song about her own father leaving his family behind and showing back up once she became successful. How she’ll never do what he did to her own little girl and how she’s lucky to find a significant other that is the opposite of that. Below is her performance on America Idol. You can see how her words resonated with people in the audience.
Piece by piece I fell far from the tree
I would never leave her like you left me
She will never have to wonder her worth
Because unlike you I’m gonna put her first
He’ll never walk away
He’ll never break her heart
He’ll take care of things
He’ll love her
Piece by piece
He restored my faith
That a man can be kind
And a father should be great

PS4, Dentists, and a Fuller House
I finally unboxed my PS4 and downloaded everything last night. Afterward I spent almost three hours playing Helldivers with BIL. When he had to go to bed I played Uncharted for a short while. I forgot how bad I suck at video games but hopefully practice makes perfect. Or makes me wanna shoot myself in the face and never play again. Everyone tells me it’s an easy game but hey, when you’re new at this, everything is hard. I’ll get there though. I like that I can die and come back to life with no consequences on this game. haha
After what felt like forever to beat two levels, I switched to Grey’s Anatomy until four in the morning. I ended up only sleeping an hour before I had to wake up for my dentist appointment where I found out I had my first cavity. 🙁 But I already knew that would happen. I still have all of my wisdom teeth and that area is always hard to clean. Luckily only one cavity. I’ve already set an appointment to get them extracted. First major surgery for me. Eeeps.
Can we just talk about how scary going to the dentist is? Thankfully there was no scary clown tooth hanging in the corner at my dentist’s office. And I was glad I had the first appointment because the dentist had more time with me. Or maybe this office is different. It was my first time there so I don’t know. All the other places I’ve ever been always made me feel uncomfortable and I never went back. Hopefully this means I’ve found my dentist! Plus after our talks, we realized we both suck at PS4, he has a twin brother, and he knew people I knew back in high school even though we went to different high schools and he’s like four years older than me.
If you’re a 90’s kid, you most likely grew up on Full House and today Fuller House premiered. You don’t know how excited I was for this. I love being able to see how the cast grew up and changed. And the fact that they brought the real Nicky and Alex back was something I never would of expected. I’m sad Michelle is missing because of their prior engagements and when they asked the other Olsen sister, she declined. Ugh … but we make do, right?
I am making it a thing to watch it with Mum and June. More with Mum because when we were younger, after watching Full House and Family Matters, we’d go outside and walk or ride our bikes before eating dinner. It was a routine which gave me a lot of memories so I wanted to share this with her.
So far, we’ve watched four episodes and to hear them bring up the past, and for them to joke about things that are actually real life makes me smile. I don’t think younger kids would love it as much as the ones that grew up on this because it’s more clean than other shows that are out now.
Okay, not it makes me want to go and buy the complete series of Full House. Catch y’all later!

PlayStation 4 Noob
Thursday is finally here. This week was definitely too long! So long that, I went and drank a few last night and realized I’ve become a lightweight. Maybe it has to do with the fact I’ve lost weight and now cannot contain as much alcohol as I use to or maybe it’s because I don’t drink like I did when I was with this one guy. It’s a whole new thing for me and I’m not use to it. I can’t hang. Waahhhhh.
Yesterday, I went and picked up my PS4 and could hear my money emptying my account. Like the sound you hear on video games. Mum says I already have too many hobbies so I shouldn’t add another one but .. I do what I want! Just kidding. Hopefully buying one pays off in the end and it doesn’t just sit there and collect dust.
The one and only reason I decided to buy a PlayStation is to spend time with my family (and friends that don’t mind a super duper beginner doofus) and decided on the Uncharted bundle for when they aren’t available. haha Justifiable, right?
Debating now if I should continue using my PSN account or create a new one. I’m not a big fan of the one I am currently using but I’m also not sure what I want the new one to be since you cannot change once you have it. Dang it, Sony, change that policy already because people are willing to pay a few bucks to do so!
John made a joke but I’m 95% sure he was being serious.
You bought a new car AND a PlayStation BEFORE you get laid off?!
Because you know … oil companies aren’t doing so swell at the moment so we joke around and ask each other if we’ve been laid off yet at least once a week. And truthfully, he’s right. I shouldn’t be throwing down dolla dolla bills at this time. But I’m a cautious person and never do anything like this and thought … eff it. Because if I didn’t, I’ll never do anything.
So tonight, it’ll be the unboxing of my new toy … after I take care of more insurance stuff.

Is This A Joke?
This is a picture of the car the day I signed … before they washed it and shtufffffffff.
I brought home the new car last night and this morning it’s thundering and pouring down rain! Ugh. I hate when you get a car wash and it’s ruined because of the rain. Plus I have to badge in to get to the parking garage at work and because I got my windows tinted, I cannot roll them down for a few days. Rain all over me and the inside of my car. Yay!
But other than the rain raining down on my parade (haha get it?) the car is pretty sweet. I’m still trying to get use to all the functions and so use to pressing buttons on the dash instead of on the steering wheel. I’ll get there one day … or maybe not. Who knows.
Can someone call me or text me while I’m driving? I want to try those features. kthanks!
This came in the mail and my heart just popped out of my chest when I opened the wonderful surprise.
I don’t collect things like this because I never know what to do with them. But eeps nonetheless. I’m sure it’s expensive now.
Soon to be the weekend and I’m excited. So far it seems to be a relaxing one and I cannot wait! Eeeeeeep!

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