And if I let you down will you still want me around?
If I’m broken would you still love me?

Lifestyle | Food | Travel
And if I let you down will you still want me around?
If I’m broken would you still love me?
Cocohodo & Sweet Vivian’s
1645 Winding Hollow Dr.
Katy, Texas 77450
(832) 321-5849
After reading the reviews, I feel gypped for not receiving a free walnut pastry like other new customers. I’ve come to this place three times so I guess you could say my opinions should matter, right? Maybe.
They have sweet lounging. Enough to go around. The three times I’ve been here I have not seen this place fully packed to where I cannot get a table. Win. That means I have a new workplace. And they sell tea and other cute things that would make for good presents.
The only complaint I have has to do with the Wi-Fi. I’ve sat in two different locations with my laptop and I will have to say where I’m standing to take this picture has the best reception. If you sit where you face the wall on the opposite side, you’ll find the internet to be lagging. I thought it was just my laptop but I brought in two different laptops, and both were the same result.
Plus I’m not a big fan of having people sit facing the walls even if there are enough plugs. I like to people watch or stare out a window while I work to get inspiration and rest my eyes. Sitting facing that wall was tough.
If you like the outdoors, you can venture outside to their patio. Construction is going on across the street so I opted to stay indoors.
One thing they’re known for is their liquid nitrogen ice cream. We didn’t really get to see much action up front. Just that one time. I guess they usually do everything in the back.
Timothy got the Nutella with Affogato Nitrogen Ice Cream. He was nice enough to let me get a taste and their ice cream was definitely smooth thanks to the nitrogen.
When we got our order Timothy found a piece of hair in the ice cream and after telling them, they went and (hopefully) gave us a whole new one. The owner felt bad and came over to apologize and described how it’s done. He uses up to four ingredients only so it’s natural compared to store bought.
Ice Blended Caramel Macchiato
After the hair incident, I decided to give them another chance but only ordered a drink while I worked. This drink is deathly sweet. Too sweet.
Ice Blended Green Tea Latte
Apparently, they can make these drinks hot too, but it’s not on their menu. Maybe I’ll opt for that next time. I liked this better than the Caramel Macchiato, though.
Veggie Chicken Savory Crepe [chicken, broccoli, onion, & mushrooms with a Bechamel Sauce]
I did not know it came with a tiny side of salad which was drizzled with a very sour dressing. If I had known, I would have told them to leave it out. It made my crepes all sorts of sour. Boo. And I was expecting chunks of chicken and veggies but instead it was pureed. I felt I was eating baby food because of the texture but other than that, it wasn’t too bad. The crepe was super crispy on the sides so it was a plus.
Overall, this is a great place to work and have a bite. Just beware of dead Wi-Fi spots.
I’m taking my first official vacation for the year. This weekend is jam packed and I figured I’d take a day or so off to relax before it began.
I realized having Rizzo in my life has made me less lazy in the sense of sleeping. No matter what time I go to bed, I’ll always wake up no later than 7 am because he has to do his business.
There are four pups in the house at the moment and not having to go to work and cuddling with them instead was joyous. Best decision ever. Then I had a lovely shower before getting ready to head out to work on my side stuff with a drink in my hand.
I sat sitting in Cocohodo for a good hour and a half trying to fix my DNS issues all because my laptop decided to do an update last night. After much research on YouTube videos, because no other web pages worked, I found a great one that fixed my issue! Ugh … jerks for having updates that fudge people’s day.
But anyway, we’re all good now and my tummy is full from Cocohodo. I got a lot done which wouldn’t happen if I didn’t leave the house. I would have stayed longer if I didn’t get kicked out of my seat for a big group of ladies where the table I moved to was a dead spot for Wi-Fi.
Back to checking things off my list. I love when things get completed especially when it’s still super early!
Happy Thursday, poops!
People’s first impression of me is happy and funny. But once they get to know me, I’m told I use sarcasm and laughter to cover the pain, a defense mechanism to tear myself down before anyone else has a chance to. Okay, I’ll agree to that. But what I don’t agree with is being told that I have a sad and horrible life.
It’s true that I’ve gone through things others never will, but I’m considered lucky. I have a great life. I’m still alive and am surrounded by love ones. Those incidents made me stronger albeit afraid of many things that normal people aren’t, but define normal. No one is normal.
There are certain times when I’ll see, smell, or hear something that triggers the past, and no matter how much I wish it away, it’ll come back at the most inconvenient of times. As a feeler of feelings, everything hurts more, especially as a perfectionist, I am unable to fix it. I try my hardest not to let it get to me, but sometimes, it does.
Sammy made me realize that though I say I’ve moved on from it all, deep down inside, I’m still waiting for an apology from those that’s torn me apart. He constantly tells me to care less and not feel so much. He’s urged me to find someone to talk to in detail of the incidents and though I know he didn’t mean himself, somehow, it did. But I got so comfortable in telling him my issues that I would feel hurt when he couldn’t understand why I was a certain way.
Since then, I’ve backed off in telling him things unsure if he finds it annoying or the crap that gets to me is stupid. Doing so made things harder because my outlet was gone and at the same time the multiple hard balls were being thrown continuously and the triggers were simultaneously occurring- things I couldn’t fix and triggers that wouldn’t go away no matter how much I thought it did.
It took taking him out of my life for a while to finally understand what he was trying to get me to see and since then the usual triggers aren’t triggers anymore or I guess weren’t as strong triggers as they use to be.
I’m happier and am starting to finally let go, accepting I’ll never get my apologies. Sometimes, I’ll fall off track and get into my moods, but knowing where it stems from makes it easier to move forward each time.
So I guess, this is a thank you to you, Sammy, if you ever end up reading this post. It’s all thanks to you for helping me see what I always knew deep inside. And because of you, I feel the weight I’ve carried for years is much lighter.
Justin Chambers
… I strongly believe people should rescue dogs, or, at the very least, listen to Bob Barker and have your pet spayed or neutered.