Earlier in the week, Salim invited me to happy hour at The Moonshiners Southern Table + Bar with the data scientists from our old company. I’ve always wanted to try this place and although I didn’t end up getting food, I would love to come back and try. Shown is my Old Fashioned and Salim’s Lavender Mule.
I met new people and also saw people I haven’t seen since we left the company. Although they are all super smart and I get lost in their conversations, it’s nice to hear them talk. The best feeling is understanding certain parts they talk about! I get more motivated to be better with them around.

Salim, John, Ejie (?) and I decided to get pho from The Conservatory. Much more wonderful conversations before Salim walked me to where my Uber was going to meet me after a homeless man tried to swindle us out of money when we were all outside on the streets talking.
My Uber driver was pretty awesome. She’s a police officer, private investigator, and bodyguard. If you ever met her, you’d never guess. She was also nice enough to watch me walk into the house versus just leaving.
It’s finally the weekend. Two more days of work and then it’s finally a vacation. Hallelujah.

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