My Guitar Professor moved our test to Friday. Which is also the day I’m having my first Vocal Solo. Which I have practiced neither. Whoops.
I should drop out of school. I’m behind in almost every class. Wonderful. Haven’t read my case that we are going over tomorrow in class. Haven’t finished coding two of my projects. Whoops.
The only things I enjoy right now are FTK, FSA, and family and friends. Everything else is just bleugh. I think I’m feeling sad because I know I’ll be leaving all this wonderfulness.
Stop thinking, Melissa. Happy thoughts only.
I had a Dinner Party at my place tonight. Spur of the moment craziness. But I think everything went well at the end. I had fun and hopefully they did too. No pictures though. I love these people. No doubt. We added more people to the group for next time and I’m a little iffy about it because some people just annoy me easily.
Andrew C. is probably reading this right now. He has damn good memory. Tonight he recited some things I’ve written. Which is scary to me. Does that mean I have to watch what I say? Shiet.
This weekend will hopefully be catch-up-with-school-weekend since no one will probably hang out with me because they are all busy. Sad life.

Awe love dinner parties..although I like going to them more because I suck at cooking! haha