July 1, 2022
Went to Postino’s with Anna and her daughter Ari. We ordered practically everything on the menu and had so much fun talking about everything and nothing at all. I loved the food and know what I want next time I go. They accompanied me to Trader’s Joe because I wanted to buy some soup dumplings. I found out I’m one of Ari’s favourite people which is nice to know since she is a teen and they tend to not like anyone.
I promised Emmy and Ethan I’d take them out so Mum joined and we went to Buccees to walk around and then ate dinner at The Oaks. The kids loved it and ran around everywhere afterward.
I blew up light up balloons and they painted magnets. Sadly Emmy accidentally broke Ethan’s a few days later. Good thing he’s still young and does not even remember he made this or that it’s missing.
July 2, 2022
Michelle and I made plans to take the kids to Dig World. SO SO COOL! I made Mum go with me since I couldn’t do both kids knowing how the rides were. Michelle brought along her parents as well.
Michelle and I didn’t get to spend as much time as we wanted but it was nice to see her and the kids outside of the house.
Overall it was a super fun experience but super hot one. We went and got Bonchon afterwards and the kids were SO thirsty and SO hungry that they ate the mostest. Then they passed out in the car when we were driving back home, stopping for some fireworks.
I thought the kids would be tired when they got home. LIES. Once they were woken up from their car ride, they were running around like crazies.
I opened a science kit and we did some experiments. They loved it so much that they kept asking to do more and always point to the box when I open the “special” closet.
July 3, 2022
The day started out with me tearing up as I did Emmy’s hair because I realized I probably won’t ever have my own kids. I’ve accepted it but it’s moments like these that makes me sad but blessed to have moments like these.
I then dropped Mum off at H-Mart while I took the kids next door to get smoothies, popcorn chicken and play games while we waited. They were complimented so many times on how well behaved they were.
Sissy & BIL came over to celebrate Fourth of July early. We played a new game where you use water to stick some foam stuff together to make things. This is also when Frankenstein met my family and this man went above and beyond, showing up with beers, flowers, Fourth of July cookies and chocolate covered pretzels.
We had hot pot for dinner, played games like Mister Murder (Emmy loved finding the murderer — eek) and did some fireworks. I loved seeing how he interacts with the kids. This was also the first time Rizzo did NOT bark at someone. Must be a sign … maybe? hahaha … maybe not. Overall, I think it went well.
July 5, 2022
Towards the end of the work day they came upstairs and requested I sing and play guitar. After work we did bubbles, walked the dog, and did some arts and crafts. She loved the string heart and kept telling her Dad she wanted it in her room during their Facetime call.
July 7, 2022
Dad was fine beginning of the day so I had to take care of them while I worked. I was excited I got to make them breakfast with Emmy’s help as Ethan slept. Emmy kept reminding Ethan that she helped make his food. I found activities to keep them busy while I was in calls and mostly kept quiet until I hung up the phone.
I took Emmy on a Auntie & Niece date since she was leaving that weekend. We stopped by Mallory’s and Beth’s houses to drop off gifts and headed to Longhorn Steakhouse (blood donation the next day) since someone was generous enough to give me a gift card there.
As we waited she sat and did her kids meal games and it’s so crazy how fast kids learn. She kept playing with it until the food came. And while we are we had conversations about random things.
She wanted to sit next to me when we were done eating and asked to take pictures with me. My heart.
we stopped at House of Pies to pick some up for Brudda and SIL since Brudda wanted some last time but didn’t get to.
July 8, 2022
I went and donated some platelets and whatnot and got some cool gifts. They ran out of the 5 gallon mug so gave me a 1 gallon for now even though I already have one.
When I got back I took the kids to play at Inflatable Katy. No one was around so we literally had the whole place to ourselves. No compliants!
I loved watching how they help one another out especially Emmy with Ethan wanting to go with her but was scared at first.
I took them to Cocohodo for ice cream a d chocolate crepes while I had an iced coffee. Emmy asked why she had to share her food with little brother and that I should buy more. Girl thinks I’m rich!
July 9, 2022
Jakob and his friend, Pat, were in town and for the first time in 10 years our schedule finally meshed when he was in Houston!
We had lunch at Hong Kong Cafe. Our nerdy selves talked about database and scripting. Sorry, Pat! It was nice to see him and meet Pat. Jakob has definitely changed a lot in 10 years, positively of course!
I went back home for a nap and then did some concrete step making with Emmy before we got ready for dinner at Crawfish Cafe. Brudda, SIL, and Sammi wanted some. I invited Frankenstein to join since we hadn’t had crawfish together not met Brudda and SIL.
I’m sure he was shocked they paid for our meal so we went and got boba and he paid for everyone. And he even got me gummy bear earrings! They’re currently my favourite pair.
July 12, 2022
I just wanted to share a bath bomb I did with the kids because it’s so funny!
July 13, 2022
Met up with some old college friends from FSA at The Gypsy Poet for some pizza. It was pretty good. And I was surprised we stayed so long! It was nice catching up with all of them.
July 15, 2022
Mum, Dad, Ethan and I went to Mia’s Table for lunch. He was leaving soon so we did a last hurrah with free ice cream!
Then I went and donated blood and got free top that is now my go to all the time because of how thin it is.
July 17, 2022
Time with Ethan is so easy. He does need a lot of attention but he is always so easily entetained and happy.
July 20, 2022
He got to go to Chuck E Cheese to see JJ and Jacob while Mallory and I shared some drinks. I find it funny that he thinks Jacob is JJ.
July 21, 2022
The team I was assisting at work had a team away day at an Astros game. Frankenstein decided to get his own ticket that day since he was off so he came and walked with me from Sissy’s house. His seat was on the other side of where I was though.
I opted for the nachos and a beer using work money and it was nice meeting so many new people!
Frankenstein and I met back up a d walked back to Sissy’s where we hung out with BIL until she got off work. We went to Pitch 25 for some munchies and watched the second Astros game before we all parted ways.
July 22, 2022
A new haircut and dye job. The hair was still super long but so far, I’m liking this lady!
I got a package from across the pond. Hong Kong Milk Tea. We couldn’t find any here and it’s my favourite instant drink! So excited. I still have SO much.
July 23, 2022
Sissy and I took Ethan ceramic painting. Ethan did a truck, Sissy did a cactus, and I did a few paw prints: one for Rocky, Rizzo and Artemis. We stopped by a teahouse for boba and smoothies.
July 25, 2022
Rose’s daughter wanted some college advice so I took her to Homebrew where we drank smoothies, ate pistachio muffins and talked about boys … I mean college.
July 26, 2022
Work had Mangofest. Free mango things and little shops set up where you can buy things from earrings to salsa. The team I was assisting had a baby shower so we did that as well. I didn’t feel I worked at all that day.
July 28, 2022
I took Ethan for his last play time with the boys before he left. Jacob loves stopping him from going and JJ loved picking him up. The one wjere Ethan is holding something in front of him makes me laugh because he had a mouth full of food almost coming out as he looked at himself in the tiny mirror.
July 29, 2022
And just like that, a drive to Bucees for a drop off and he’s back home. Ugh, he’s such a sweet boy.
July 30, 2022
Frankenstein and I had a airplane day. We first made a stop at 1940 Air Terminal Museum which is right next to Hobby Airport. it was cool to see some planes up close and what they wore or had on the plane in the past. So much history for how the airport came to be to now a museum since they needed a bigger location, Hobby.
The Lone Star Flight Museum was our next stop. This was actually SUPER cool to see SO many planes used during war and what not. They also had some interactive things to do.
We stopped for Thai food afterwards before heading home. Look at them deformed heart rices. Haha
July 31, 2022
Another chemo session accompanied by breakfast. I’m becoming a pro at working from the hospital.
Some crafts for the month includes a whole lotta embroidery things and t-shirt making for Emmy, Ethan, Jacob and JJ. I messed up the sizes so had two extra ones. Hopefully Mallory found people to give those too.
Puzzles galore. I even made an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of my puzzles. Ethan loves to help so he did his own. Maybe he’ll grow to be the puzzle lover and take all my puzzles one day.